#19468 Notes
>>15390904 Anti-Biden art shows up in DC
>>15390908 Sounds like a current Biden speech..Bible post most likely heavily edited or perhaps just stuck in there by others
>>15390915 More pics of Russian troop movements
>>15390918 NatGEO is owned by the Mouse
>>15390921 Elon Musk says Starlink is go
>>15390943 Unusual animal behavior
>>15390946 Fed informants at Jan 6 rally
>>15390984 Celine Dion cancels another tour
>>15391098 Another EQ on the ring of fire
>>15391122 Wray doesn't want to say it's terrorism
>>15391147 Atlanta Transit Leader CEO is dead
>>15391155 Hostage taker identified
>>15391173 Editorial Board of Salt Lake Tribune calls for the military to be used to oppress the unvaxxed…exact words
>>15391188 China is moving their money around to finance the US Fentanyl Crisis
>>15391204 The Feds inserted themselves into hostage situation
>>15391240 The Met has a Chinese spy running their Asian crime division
>>15391250 Prince Andrew throws the "False Memory" crap at the wall to see if it sticks
>>15391297 Nanny McFee actor dies