to be a "signed in baker", all that means is doing this>>15394982
I'd guess Neal was the sheriff and sprouse the deputy.
everyone who brings up namefags is a commie glownigger derailing
>he opened the link
on what basis do you say it's the "FBI" inserting themselves? the fbi is run by the CIA and the CIA and media however fine the difference are run by the jews.
more accurate to just say it's the jews.
no chance of that for me, I live in a commie stronghold, literally everyone is an npc or a jew
>with no basis
kek cant believe I missed the rabies reference
rabies is a jewish hoax, you boomer faggot
rabies isn't real, neither is germ theory, but you're just a retarded boomer you dont know any better
no, I avoid all interaction
there is no one worth making friends with here
100% population is jews and commies but circumstances bring me here. Unwilling to make a radical change without hard evidence.
imagine giving a fuck about newsweek
this. how many jews did Kyle ruin that night? dont care about the karate nigger.
I'm not jewish so those thoughts dont enter my mind.
sorry, I dont read jew
back to reddit, jew retard
the solution is to stop talking about him. then you will stop thinking about him and move on, and so will we.
take your pills, kike
>he believes in outer space too
kmao is there a jew hoax you didn't fall for?
do you think Hitler gassed 6 million jews with flea pellets?
your memes are faggot, boomerstein
the jews' obsession with shutting down that argument is the reason it happens over and over
the conversation was already happening every night when he started spamming it and mass banning. Now we're not talking about jews but arguing with this faggot OSS who everyone hates and he keeps calling people kikes who arent. he is the jews' best friend here.
did anyone find a link to gosar's speech last night?