>And, speaking as a former BV, BO may quickly realize he made a huge mistake. This place at minimum is a time sink. 24/7/365 round and round it goes. Always having to be on the lookout for the next CP/Loli spammer. Always worried someone may find out how involved in this place you are. Shit is exhausting. Do I trust the new BO, no, because the way this place was taken over and the fact of who the new BV chose to unban as his first course of duty. But that shit is out of my hands now, I tried to defend anons long before I became a BV. Someone else can have that non-responsibility.
>how was it taken over?
>unbanning anons that have been banned for no reason is a no brainer
>if they are bad actors, will repeat
The lie that I EVER banned any anons on purpose for no reason is bullshit. Did some anons get caught up in the crosshairs on accident, of course. But let's see any of you try to police this place by yourself for 10 months with very little help and not make mistakes. Another thing that is bullshit.. I don't hate actual Jews or anyone else. I said things to purposely illicit a response so the stealth shills would out themselves. If you are part of new board management, you'll quickly see exactly what I mean.
>I've seen this a lot recently. I just don't want to believe that. I don't think Q is done here at all.
Maybe, but I won't believe any poster is Q without verification by old tripcode.
> I don't really have any advice other than to suggest that you look at what is happening in your life that may be sapping you spiritually.
This place is what saps me spirtually. I got to see real anons and shills posts. How many times did you see me get between two real anons and "neither of you are shills, calm the fuck down." The culture of this place started out as comradiere. It is now toxic as fuck. I remember I made a post about 2 years ago on nightshift saying anons were my best friends and I was so honored to be around them, 40 posts in celebration, it really felt like a brotherhood then. Make that post today and see what kind of response you get.
>They're trying to turn Jim into a focal point for anon's anger. They lost control and they're desperate.
This post is the perfect example. It just be that one anon has an opinion. It always to be they & them vs we & us. Someone says something you don't agree with and suddenly it is RRREEEEEEEEEEEE shilll!!!!! Or they react because it hurts their agenda. And the sad part is NO ONE seems to have the agenda of simply researching Q drops.
Anyway, that's me on my soapbox. >inb4 10 ip hops attacking what I have said.