Anon just completed a parasite purge. Highly recommend giving it a try. Used black cumin seed oil at 30mg/kg for two weeks but do a little research and try what you like. Immediate effect was clear thinking. I feel centered in my body again and in the world. Later effects include fixing a lower intestine sensitive spot that has persisted for years, general calmness and lowered emotional response to the propaganda on the daily news. Muscle tension is reduced as is general stress despite nothing else changing. I recommend it just for the clearing of the mind and feeling centered again. Decided to give it a try due to the pushback on any anti parisite covid treatment that pops up. If they are pushing so hard for me to not try it I thought it was worth a shot. Chose black cumin seed oil as it was identified as an ivermectin substitute, is readily available has a long history of use and is inexpensive. I have stopped taking the oil and will pay attention to how I feel. I expect I will do this occasionally in the future.
Anons knew.