There's fuckery coming from all angles these days.
Trying to isolate it at its source is a fool's errand.
Just assume it's pretty much everything.
There's fuckery coming from all angles these days.
Trying to isolate it at its source is a fool's errand.
Just assume it's pretty much everything.
Oh, good grief.
I've seen that particular oldfag around here since forever.
That Anon wasn't OSS and neither were those Notables collected by OSS.
I bet you do.
Then instead of 1 board struggling to maintain relevancy there will be 2 boards keeping their heads above cricketboard status.
Ackshyually, that was the kind of organic I can appreciate.
And he's right.
QR will never die completely.
But, the longer it goes with Q still dark and the moar new avenues that open up (Truth Social foremost) it's former relevancy is lost to history now.
It's prolly not gonna happen and the Board Wars here will go on in perpetuity.
Or until the Big Booms hit.
Or Truth Social becomes the hottest hippest place to be.
>Ron almost ran with 8KUN.TS
And yeah they pissed off all the non-QR other 8ch boards clientele.
Their name is dirt to them when I see it mentioned every now and then on /pol/.
That's where I stol't pic related from.
And 2 weeks from now the new BO will realize this place is simply unmanageable.
And the long slog to caretaker in case Q ever drops here again status will begin.
There's not going to be a new board.
But, if there was, it would have the same amount of participation as QR does now.
20% would only be here
20% would only be there
60% would have 2 tabs open
I'm not gonna kick dirt on the guy.
I know there's moar than meets the eye to his story.
But, he provided a platform to Q and Anons which is all that matters.
Especially since he's not that compd to the point where Q said no way ain't going to your place, bro.
kek exactly
Like OSS just roughly said above, it looks good on paper until you ackshyually have to do it irl.
I'll check to your optimism.
And I'll check to your in case you missed it or want to watch again.
Nobody knows either way so it doesn't matter.
But, if many oldfags are now in I've got the alert app on muh fone for if/when he does but I'm pretty much done going there until then mode they're not wrong.
It's GYB/Freebie/Swampfox is my best guess.
Especially once the here's the 20 step guide for how to Bake came out.
Language style and subject matter tells are strong.
And we would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those anger management psychologists with their folder full of Mr. Pig memes.
The sharpest tools left on the board in 2022 are the shitposters.
It's the only way to roll while keeping your sanity intact.
Don't let the ankle biters get to you.
They're fucking huge bores.
>Anons will be able to freely share information/research without shills and the negative aspects of this board
The other aspect which doesn't fit the WWG1WGA ethos is that many of the oldfag diggers quickly grew tired of having no credit for their work.
And even worse having the Beanz types of the world copypasta it from here and claim it as homegrown.
At least with Truth Social that problem will be eliminated even if you're still staying semi-anon behind an alias.
One can hope so o7.
>Just because you think like that, it does not mean everyone wants fame, recognition, money or ego.
I was merely referring to the reasons given by those Anons as part of their "exit interviews".
It stuck with me back then as a 'dasting look into the psychology of putting one's effort into something.
The concept of working hard anonymously and losing out on the recognition is a difficult thing to overcome for the truly exceptional talents.
I participated in diggs, but I was nowhere as focused or prolific at it as they were.
You always use that meme which makes it easy to recognize you and your past posts.
You are one uptight motherfucker.
The details are still fuzzy on stuff like that.
I mean they'll know you but the public won't have to if it's like the other SMs.
I get ya.
They seemed comfy in sharing it here for no rewards.
The thing that seemed to piss them off was the stealing part.
Watching people say ooooh that Beanz (or whomever) sure is awesome when you knew it was your work was tough to stomach.
Well, these so called good hands have it.
Now wut?
Half the participants here are giddy.
The other half is dubious and pissed about being called OSS Crew.
And the shitshow marches on unchanged with still too many E-Bakes and TBC / shitty newsbot Notables.
I'm trying to wrap my head around why the diggs are few and far between these days.
I think it comes down to:
Moar of the OGs discovered they wanted some credit and went to Twatter and elsewhere.
Fatigue over not seeing results from the diggs in terms of justice and public awakening.
A lot of the big stuff has already been dug and what's left is esoteric or new lesser played out stuff.
Keep in mind the lack of enthusiasm even if legit also stems from pic related.
It's like ok another proof or confirmation that we're with you anons is nice, but BOOMs are what's needed at this point.
If tomorrow is gonna be another day of Clown World fuckery and still no big results kicking off then yawn.
Yeah, I don't begrudge anyone for still getting a kick out of it.
I see both points of view.