These signs come from the old Germanic runes!
As I already said several times, the Jewish brood has stolen everything from other cultures!
Das Spiegelbild der Weltgeschichte (The reflection of world history) (1932, 573 S.)
Translation of page 186
It is not possible for the unprepared reader of this book to follow the trains of thought of Günther Kirchhoff without the prior introduction to the language and signs of our ancestors, which we find again in the ancient Germanic runes.
From the runic knowledge.
The origin sign of the Trinity.
This sign is composed of two triangles inserted into each other, enclosed by the circle. With the representation of the pyramid we already saw the fundamental meaning of the triangle and the secret, which presents itself in this triangle form to the viewer as follows.
Foundation: nourishment, rising beams: procreation and right in their commonality enclose the salvation of mankind. Here we find two triangles corresponding to the male and female principle, the procreation salvation and the bearer of life on earth. Man and woman, sheltered in a closed unit, are the bearers of wisdom as the basis of spiritual life, are bearers of the right procreation in the eternal change between becoming and passing away to a new emergence, in fulfillment of the laws of life, for the salvation of mankind.
Our ancestors assigned the signs with single letters and put in the letters the carriers of the thoughts.
The sign standing on the top carries the letter I=I=Ignis0 heat-giving light, carrier of the life-giving light!
The triangle standing on wide base is the symbol of the letter A=aqua=water.
The all-enclosing circle is the O=Oregon=Origin, the "Ur" in the beginning of the creation of the material world.
If we summarize the letters and read them in the order which begins with the I, we receive the secret of the origin saying Jesus as he says about himself:
I am the A and the O.
"Jesus" was Germanic, not a dirty kike!
Why do you think the Jewish brood hates the Germanic of all slaves the most?
Why the Jews try to interbreed with the Germans "since 1700 years".
Why do they oust the Germans from their land and try to take their place?
A little Judas brat told me that they are the better Germans!
Kek, brain-dead little wannabes!