A person who claims affiliation to a cult because their parents were a part of that cult, but are not evil is just that. A person who joins a cult and is good is just that. If a person or group of people within that cult commit unspeakable atrocities and/or other crimes but claims persecution because of their affiliation to their cult of choice, well the evil twits are still going to prison and perhaps death. Now you ask, which cult am I speaking of? Race, relegion, secret societies, science, government, business, and status. It does not matter what affiliation evil claims association with. If they commit crimes against another person(s) to where that person(s) suffers, they must pay with their time or their life. I don't care if it's the Pope, Royalty, or the Resident of USA. Their bloody ass will rot in a 10x12 hole or fill a worms belly. Certain organizations of cults who try to protect members who are evil are probably evil themselves. But a person who is affiliated with a cult is not necessarily evil themselves due to association. Due to fear instilled by cults from an early age, they become unwitting slaves to the cult. It is the job of good people, who recognize the the evil hiding within a cult pushing false propaganda, to rescue the fear possessed slaves who have been programed by using truth to unveil the lies that keep them enslaved.