Anonymous ID: 047e5b Jan. 17, 2022, 6:43 p.m. No.15402062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2092

'Wind' from Earth's middle layer blows through a secret passage beneath Panama

By Stephanie Pappas published December 18, 2021


Researchers just discovered a geological hidden passageway.


"A geological secret passage beneath Panama may explain why rocks from Earth's mantle are found more than 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) from where they originated. 



This opening, located some 62 miles (100 km) below Earth's surface, may allow a flow of mantle materials to travel all the way from beneath the Galápagos Islands to beneath Panama. 


This never-before-discovered form of transport may also help explain why Panama has very few active volcanoes. On the west coast of Central America, the Cocos tectonic plate is diving down and pushes oceanic crust under the continental crust of the North American, Caribbean and Panama tectonic plates, a process called subduction. This subduction zone creates a line of volcanoes called the Central American Volcanic Arc where lava pushes through the boundaries. But the volcanism stops in western Panama, which sits on the Panama plate , said David Bekaert, a postdoctoral scholar in marine chemistry and geochemistry at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts…



…Blowing in the (mantle) wind 


This was strange, because there was no clear way to explain how mantle elements from the Galápagos could get all the way to Panama, Bekaert said. The researchers then turned to seismic imaging of the mantle, which uses earthquake waves to map what's beneath the surface, and computer modeling to try to explain what might be going on.



Anonymous ID: 047e5b Jan. 17, 2022, 6:46 p.m. No.15402092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They found that deep beneath Panama, the buried portions of the Cocos plate may hold the answer. When a tectonic plate slides under another tectonic plate during subduction, that subducting plate doesn't just disappear; it retains its structure as it grinds down into the mantle, only gradually heating and warping. 


"Just beneath Panama, there is a hole, a window through the slab, that allows for the influx of this mantle component," Bekaert said


This window may be the result of a natural, pre-existing fracture in the subducting Cocos crust, or it may be a place where the crust snapped during subduction. Either way, it lets materials pass through — from one side of the plate to the other — like a breeze through an open window.


That left the question of what might be driving the breeze. The researchers found two possibilities. The first is that the materials are moving through the Panama Fracture Zone, a zone of cracking in the crust and upper mantle that connects the Galápagos to Panama . But it's difficult to see what would drive long-distance transport through that zone, Bekaert said.


TheMacuxiIndians are Indians living in the Amazon, in countries like Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. According to their legends, they are thedescendants of the children of the Sun, the creator of fire and disease and protective of the “inner Earth.”


The brave Macuxi Indians of the Amazon


Oral legends tell of an entry on Earth. Until 1907, the Macuxies entered a sort of cavern, and traveled 13 to 15 days until they reached the interior. It is there, “on the other side of the world, in the inner Earth” where giant creatures that are about 3-4 meters high living.


According to Macuxies were given the task of monitoring to outside the entrance and prevent outsiders from entering the “hollow Earth.”


Legends say Macuxi people entering the mysterious cave for three days, only giants descend stairs, measuring about 80 centimeters each step. After the third day, they leave behind their torches, and continue their journey “inside” Earth illuminated by the lights that were already present in the caves. Giant lanterns, the size of a watermelon, shining like the sun. After 4-5 days of travel, those inside the cave lose weight and body mass, allowing them to move much faster.


The legends of the Macuxi say after 5 days inside the caverns, they would go by huge caverns whose roofs could not be seen, and one of the chambers of the cave system, there are four objects “like the sun”, which are impossible to watch, whose purpose is unknown to the Macuxi village.


Within the Earth, there are places where trees are able to grow food. The Macuxi say cajúes fruits like, oak, mangos, bananas and some smaller plants are in 6-7 days into their journey. The farther the Macuxi people moved into the Earth, larger areas of vegetation observed. But not all areas are green and prosperous color. The Macuxi people say that some places are extremely dangerous and should be avoided, as those with boiling stone and streams “azoge.”


Macuxi Oral traditions continue and say that after going through these giant cameras, having spent half the trip have to move carefully as the mysterious “air” can cause people to “fly or float” around. Continuing their journey, they reach a place within the Earth, where the Giants lived. There, the Macuxi explorers ate food giants such as apples the size of human heads, grapes the size of a human fist, and delicious and giant fish were captured by the giants and the Macuxi given as gifts."


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Anonymous ID: 047e5b Jan. 17, 2022, 7:14 p.m. No.15402332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2333 >>2391


AMA Defies Supreme Court Ruling, Own Code Of Ethics, Calls For Employer Vaccine Mandates


MONDAY, JAN 17, 2022 - 07:30 PM

By Mark Glennon of Wirepoints


The president of the Chicago-based American Medical Association, Gerald E. Harmon, M.D., wrote on Friday in Crain’s Chicago Business that employers should impose COVID vaccine mandates as a condition of employment.


Last week’s decision by the United States Supreme Court invalidating the Biden Administration’s attempt to force employers to do so “should not,” Harmon wrote, “prevent these employers from doing what must be done in the name of public health: requiring vaccines to protect their workers, our communities and our nation from the ravages of this pandemic.”


“Our only hope is that large employers do what’s right—not only for their own employees and their families, but for the health of our nation,” says Harmon.


If only we could hope that Harmon and his association would honor their own code of ethics. The AMA’s Code of Medical Ethics Opinion 2.1.1 says this:


Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law. Patients have the right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care. Successful communication in the patient-physician relationship fosters trust and supports shared decision making. The process of informed consent occurs when communication between a patient and physician results in the patient’s authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention.



Anonymous ID: 047e5b Jan. 17, 2022, 7:14 p.m. No.15402333   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That’s a plain statement of the informed consent doctrine, which is among the most widely recognized and time-honored principles of medical ethics here and abroad. Everybody of sufficient age and sound mind is supposed to have right to decide what is to be done to his or her body.


It’s “arguably the most deeply rooted doctrine in contemporary medical ethics,” wrote two medical ethics experts last year in the Wall Street Journal. In that column, a director of the Medical Ethics Program at the University of California, Irvine and a law professor at Notre Dame wrote, “Authorities rushing to implement mandatory vaccination protocols are ignoring available scientific data, basic principles of immunology and elementary norms.”


The AMA’s Code of Ethics is for physicians, not employers, but that’s precisely what makes Harmon’s indifference to the principle of informed consent so egregious. He is effectively calling on employers to override the physician-patient relationship entirely, thereby avoiding the duty physicians would have to honor it.


That workaround may not fly legally since employers may have a legal duty to get informed consent to coerced vaccinations, at least as some mandate opponents see things. I have no opinion on that; the point here is not about the legalities.


The point, instead, is about doing what is right and what is ethical. It’s the principle that matters, and it should matter not just for physicians. The AMA’s code of ethics properly states that principle and it is rightly applied to any person or entity, including employers, who are in a position to force medical treatment on somebody else. Harmon and the AMA apparently care nothing about that principle.


Harmon went on to cite as “evidence of a vaccine mandate’s effectiveness” the case of United Airlines, which imposed a vax mandate on its employees. That’s not scientific evidence. Harmon ignored countless studies now available addressing many points of debate about the vax.


What we do know is that experts seem to agree that the vax significantly reduces chances of hospitalization or death. But it has also become clear that the vax is of little or no value in reducing spread of the virus to others, which we wrote about last week. That destroys any rationale for mandates by employers or anybody else. Vaccinations affect only the vaccinated so the decision should be left to the individual.


The only other possible rationale for an employer mandate is the hospital and staff overload, which is real in many locations. But that overload results largely from mandates themselves, imposed on healthcare workers, many of whom have quit as a consequence. The Supreme Court upheld that mandate on any recipient of federal funding, which includes most every hospital and provider.


The load on hospitals and healthcare workers is also undoubtedly attributable in large part to the indifference of most of the medical establishments to treatments. The best, newest treatments are in such short supply that that they are now rationed by the federal government. The AMA, like the federal government, systematically ignored therapeutics from the start, focusing almost exclusively on the vaccines and masks as prevention, which has turned out to be futile. Had development and distribution of therapeutics been emphasized early, countless victims might never be reaching the hospital. The AMA shares blame for that.


Finally, Harmon complained about politicized science. “It is most unfortunate that politicization of the virus and the vaccines developed to protect against severe illness and death has become a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to defeating the pandemic.”


The AMA and Harmon are perhaps the least credible voices in America to be complaining about politicized science. They have gone to truly absurd lengths inserting woke, racial politics into healthcare, as documented by RealClear Investigations in a two-part series. A lead editorial in the AMA journal’s August special issue dedicated to racial health disparities called systemic racism “a scientific fact beyond dispute and said all medical journals are morally obligated to document it in their research.”


Even The Atlantic, which is very progressive, ridiculed the AMA and Harmon for the damage their racial politics are inflicting on medical science and on the genuine interests of disadvantaged people. And dissenting from the AMA’s racial politics can jeopardize you job, The Atlantic wrote.


Let’s hope employers are more ethical than Harmon and the American Medical Association.


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Anonymous ID: 047e5b Jan. 17, 2022, 7:53 p.m. No.15402694   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, says the potential for billions of dollars in revenue to US telecom corporations justifies rolling out 5G without testing for possible health hazards. Tom Wheeler really says that — and much more you will not like. Prior to being appointed by President Obama, Wheeler worked as a venture capitalist and lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry, holding positions including president of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association. As is customary for FCC chairmen, he resigned when President Trump’s administration began. This is a classic example of what is called regulatory capture, which means the companies being regulated by government have captured the agencies that regulate them. -GEG