Dan going on offense. Which means Trump is taking the gloves off.
About to get Rocky up in here!
Dan going on offense. Which means Trump is taking the gloves off.
About to get Rocky up in here!
For the other 364 days as well. And yes.
Since we outnumber the elite scumbags by about a hundred thousand to one, it really is as easy as poking the bear. 350,000,000 of us…no more than 3,500 top level elites in government, military, corporate, and finance.
On a global scale, the numbers are bigger and more in favor of the people than here, because the scumbags calling the shots like living in freedom while dispensing tyranny.
Long before Q, the government did studies on a civil uprising and found out that the people win every time. Once an armed and determined population have decided the government has to go…it has to go.
Every blade of grass.
I hope we can vote them out…but that didn't work the last two times…so they might get to find out that their tabletop exercises were correct everytime.
My point. Q up Plan Z.
Look closely at the first few frames of this explosion and you can see that the ANFO was triggered by a series of smaller blasts in front and above it.
There's a war on and has been for 4 years.
Ooops…here 'tis
Prepare for the worst. If you're wrong, you'll be glad. If you're right, you'll be glad.
Did Meghan buy a food truck?
Got a Pepe dolla for the first Anon to post a photo from OSStin Steinbart's bar mitzvah.
Legal reporting obligations are involved. Investigations involving technical assets he has no comprehensive of will be brought to bear. He likes to play with fire. Now he burns.