Where's 186. Why are the breads out of chronological order?
Ecclesiastes 1:9King James Version (KJV)
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Lots of lost history in the Middle East in plain sight. King of Saud allauded to lost European history on the Saudi peninsula.
Where prob on the cusp of rediscovering some lost connections between different peoples and cultures that have been suppressed.
Humanity is very very old. They say civilization dates back 10,000 years. I think that number is going to exponentially increase in the next century until we realize we're impossibly old and been doing this for a very long time.
What better way to delegitimize this drop than to share it with a bunch of Obama getting lynched pics. Gonna red pill zero. You also reflect poorly on the rest of us and delegitimize the work done on here.
Let's not forget Loop capital is essentially one of the few minority (black) financial firms in the country.
It is imperative this appear not to be racially motivated. From my perspective it's not. All this shit was planned anons. Don't be retarded and play into their hand.
We're playing chess not checkers dickhead.
Guarantee you're a coward or else you wouldn't need to vent your impotence by projecting racial hatred on Qresearch. What we do is bigger than pol.
Just go back if you don't like it. There's nothing for you here
Suck goat dick shill
I agree Michael Scheuer did an interview on john Federicks show where he talked about a Russian company that developed a miniature nuke called a ballon that they we're possibly proliferating to Iran and NK.
Said the nuke can be stored and stay active in a cargo crate for up to 10 years.
Said he saw a pic of Kim Jong Un standing with what appeared to be one of those nukes.
Freaks me out.