>MIT Scientist Concerned About COVID Vaccine Effects on Brain
>clot shot invades the spleen with spike producing hijacked cells all according to keikaku
>its known from Parkinson's disease models that this causes prions even from normal infections which slowly eat your brain
>with the spike protein the viral load equivalent is 6 gorillion times worse
>exomes ship the kill switch package to your brain and pull it harder than lucky larry silverstein
>its over
>Prion diseases are a collection of neurodegenerative diseases that are induced through the misfolding
of important bodily proteins, which form toxic oligomers that eventually precipitate out as fibrils causing widespread damage to neurons.
>researchers have identified a signature motif linked to susceptibility to misfolding into
toxic oligomers, called the glycine zipper motif. It is characterized by a pattern of two glycine residues spaced by three intervening amino acids, represented as GxxxG. The bovine prion linked to MADCOW has a spectacular sequence of ten GxxxGs in a row
>More generally, the GxxxG motif is a common feature of transmembrane proteins, and the glycines play an essential role in cross-linking α-helices in the protein (Mueller et al., 2014). Prion proteins become toxic when the α-helices misfold as β-sheets, and the protein is then impaired in its ability to enter the membrane
Read this next part over and over until it sinks in:
>When considering that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a transmembrane protein, and that it contains five GxxxG motifs in its sequence it becomes extremely plausible that it could behave as a prion
>Recall that the mRNA vaccines are designed with an altered sequence
that replaces two adjacent amino acids in the fusion domain with a pair of prolines. This is done intentionally
>This is done intentionally