If what you say is true (not saying it’s not, just that We, out here in public, have painfully little reliable info), if what you say is true, and i do hope it is, than THOSE sorts of troops that HAVE been properly informed, can better/best be looked to when/if the time should ever unfortunately come, that this whole mess turns kinetic.
Look at this guy, and image him changing a flat tire, at night, alone, in the cold.
Nah… just imagine him changing a flat tire, at all.
Bet he doesn’t even drive himself at this time.
If he did, doubt he would wait for the assistance before called helo-evac.
I really don’t know much about Lupus. An acquaintance says they have been on HCQ for it for decades, but still lined up for a covidia jab. Got bed ridden for a week afterwards. Confusion abounds.
You said it! Dollars to donuts, most of those animating this fucking fraudulent government right now… think so much of themselves i’m sure they see themselves as worthy of be airlifted from the scene of a fender bending.
Were you just tough-talking a little girl, Capt Eyepatch? Trick is not to pop it.
Needs eyepatch on stiller
Who in their right mind would be so irresponsible as to have sex in the middle of a global pandemic? Why aren’t you paying attention!!!
Debate about Jesus vs. Superman aside for a sec… Crenshaw tough-talking a young girl is the funny part.
How many times have i told you, i before e?!?
>Maybe the vax rate is not as high as we're being told?
From a MSM that can’t/won’t tell the truth about anything, they sure a shit have no interest in UNDERreporting the vax number.
Saved on my compooter, so that i can carry evidence of my subversive attitude toward subversive, seditious and traitorous “government”.