You'll just take yourself with you wherever you go. The cure for depression is "reconnecting" God. Depression comes from lack of faith. Depression comes from wanting something you doubt you can have. Faith feels good, always. (That's the joy of the Lord. Faith is correct thinking and that's why they say to pray without ceasing. Faith feels good. Life is a gift meant to feel good. Suffering comes from the illusion of disconnection from God. Suffering comes from the enemy, not from God. Fear/doubt feels bad, always because you are pinched off/separated. If you are afraid to have faith without any doubt in your heart that your prayer is answered, (when ye pray believe ye already have it and it shall be given. Paraphrasing a little) but fear to trust and have faith keeps you in fear. (Not you Anon, but the depressed person reading this.)
Just like they use hydrogel/graphene oxide as the interface between man and machine, faith without any fear, that "vunerability" you feel when trusting with all your heart, is our interface connecting us to God, and it is God's LAW that when we trust with all our heart, HE CANNOT LET US DOWN. (Not yelling.) We let our own selves down by not having faith and believing in the illusion of disconnection.LIFEIS SUPPOSED TO FEEL GOOD. DON'T YOULOVEYOURLIFE?