Anons here are a collective.
A slice in a bigger pie of Truth energetically. Some grasp that concept, some don't and that's okay.
Every planet, if you will, has a soul and a collective, aka matrix system that operates on thought and frequency.
Start making Love energetically to the matrix, go within your heart space instead of being caught up in the stories, narratives manifested as experiences both individually and as a whole for humanity.
This is much bigger than most can grasp, but more ARE understanding what you dwell upon, pray for if you can imagine it, feel it, we can actually manifest the experience in 30 days.
How do you think Trump became so successful? Why does he speak as though it is done, speak in truth, frequency matching intent.
Why do they fear us? We can turn this all around in a snap, but those who are still anchored into the old mindset, programming not only hold themselves back, but humanity as well.
God's Consciousness is like a wifi, it's energy flowing through our vessels.
We choose.
We create.
Anybody can choose a different path at any moment, we each are tested daily on where our free will will flow to.
Will it be service to self, driven by ego, beliefs, programming…
Or Service to others via God's Consciousness.
Force of Source here, chose my path long ago and will continue with Love, Truth and Peace is our future.
Choose wisely.🙏