thank you baker and thank you anons
i think anon last bread had it dead to rights
"they can't delete your dissension to them, so now they tell anons to filter the keywords that are used to expose them"
i paraphrase because im retarded but that's basically the gist
a patriot woulnt bake at 500 because patriots arent fucking stupid
in fact
that's what we used to call split bakes
sound kinda like a gay
what do you contribute here
ive noticed you've never once helped
you just gain consensus and (you)s
weird, right?
almost like, i dunno, you are here to observe
in the fed sense
which one specifically
i love how easy it is to play you
probably should have said how easy it is to "break" you
but we know how that ended up
with you and your entire team getting banned
enjoying every single second of it
i told you i would break you
yet, here you are
stopping you is simply responding
that's why you people spam the filters
that's why your entire life was based on banning anons
that's why your entire narrative was based upon deleting posts
now that you are banned i can only say
too bad
so sad
it's funny because we used to post memes like that
10 years ago, at least, honestly probably 15 years ago
and we meant it in a totally different way
in a totally different zeitgeist
but you feds know that
which is why you repost them a decade later
to taunt us
but we always win
>here i am
but you got kicked out
so it's actually kinda just kicking the retard when he's down at this point
i said what i would do and i did it
the board is yours, anons
the fight is yours