9/11 really does tie everything together. In my Honors/AP history classes(I never opened the textbook) usually 9/11 fell on like the first or second week of a new school year and every year my teacher(who I had all 4 years) would play clips and we’d relive it. The one year I asked him in a smart as jokingly matter(knowing he couldn’t comment on it even if he wanted to) if he believed George Bush did 9/11…I followed it up by saying something along the lines of “it’s just wild in retrospect to look back and see that we elected some guy named Obama 8 years later” and chuckled. If only you could see the look on his face lol. Kids say the darndest things. I cheated my way through that class especially when we got to the 2 month long Holocaust lesson. Why do your own work to answer questions that arent original in themselves you know…fuckin Common Core, another Skull and Bones legacy.
Dubs confirm that smooth seas never made skilled sailors.
0s confirm Sleepy Joe is a placeholder.
What do we think anons? Does HRC get slid into office or will she have to campaign for 2024? I’d love to see her campaign again so it will come to an abrupt end the week of Election Day.