He's right. His bread is better.
Anon took the initiative, you FUCKING PUSSY.
What did you do?
You bitched like a fucking faggot. That's what you did, you little bitch!
If you ban that, the jews will all reeeeeee about ANTISEMITISM, and we can't have that, ya know!
They don't write the word JEW, either.
They love it when we call them kikes, and stuff like that. Call them a jew, and it strikes at their little black talmudic hearts.
Your turn.
You are blaming this board for the JEWISH FF at the gog?
LMAO@YOU you stupid jew.
I suppose that this board is retroactively responsible for throwing you STUPID JEWS out of 109 countries, too.
It is more, but the 109 number is in the minds of the jewishly edumacated boomer-tier thinking class.
Where can I purchase such a machine?
Are you a retarded jew?
Why do you think it was shut down, Moishe?
Because some anons were pointing out how fucking horrible you jews are?
What are you gonna do when the pogroms start again? Are you and your filthy jews going to blame the board, like you do everyone else, or are you going to realize that your fucked up behaviors are responsible?
That was rhetorical. We Goyim know the answer.
Another lying jew lying his jew ass off.
Q came to us when we were on 4chan/pol/.
Q knows we are on to you jews and mentioned it several times.
This board has always posted truth about you jews, since BEFORE THE BOARD EVEN EXISTED.
You fucking NIGGER JEW CUNTS are so fucking clever.
To shoot Americans at night, from far away, on the orders of their JEWISH masters, and the GOYIM pay for it all.