trap set
They're scared
>created out of the negative feelings of human beings
You just described your own post, muhjoo shill.
NY AG partnering with (((msm))) to smear Trump.
Desperate witch hunts to distract from their own corruption?
Yes, Q and Q+ posted about that REPEATEDLY.
And here come the (((msm))) shills pushing a narrative that has been going on since Trump announced he was running for POTUS.
This isn't 'new', shill.
This is nothing but projection to deflect from the D party's own corruption.
(((msm))) narrative collapsing, so NY AG 'asset' is used to push TDS narrative to trick the asleep D voters into believing their choice to follow the D's was 'a good idea'.
If they had anything on the Trump Org it would have been made public YEARS ago.
The fact they're claiming 'OMG BrEaKiNg nEwS, bReAKiNg nEwS, nEw EViENcE fOunD' now in jan 2022 is only proof they're just trying to switch attention away from their genocidal virus/vaccine movie, inflation, Biden's poll numbers in the tank, and the awakening public.
This will be another nothingburger, just like EVERY previous attempt, lol.
Enjoy the show anti-Q shills!
They're so monumentally stupid they want everyone to ignore the fact that if they did have ANYTHING on the Trump Org they would have released the information YEARS ago.
This is pure panic.
They lost control of the narrative and the only thing they can do is demonstrate their TDS in a desperate hope to shift the narrative away from their own corruption.
Enjoy the show!
They join in the laughter with the world at the D party desperation to shift narrative?
If there was anything, it would have been released years ago.
Panic again!
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This person should be arrested.
NOW - UK PM: "The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere."
Satanists controlling Youtube slander and smear men of faith as uttering 'hate speech'.
Czech Republic FREED
Vaccination against COVID will not become mandatory in the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said today at a press conference.
Dominoes are falling worldwide