Eva Vlaardingerbroek Retweeted
Scott Morefield @SKMorefield
Excellent compilation of vaccine passport protests across Europe from Tucker Carlson along with a sobering interview with Dutch philosopher @EvaVlaar
on the West's tragic decline into outright tyranny: 👇
"We are literally turning into China."
sauce:https://twitter.com/SKMorefield/status/1483621846788542464?s=20 est -6
Eva Vlaardingerbroek @EvaVlaar
Europe is headed towards a tyrannical regime of mass surveillance and control.
We are turning into China and if we don’t prevent the introduction of compulsory vaccination in Austria, Europe will no longer be part of ‘The Free West’.
Thank you for having me, @TuckerCarlson.
https://twitter.com/EvaVlaar/status/1483774608583147532?s=20 est -6