>>15414772 lb
>will go smoke a joint now and then try to say something on (how God talkes to me), what happened in a place close to Berlin which I considered a military op or a mason ritual op or something like that and on how you make me carry the cross.
so then back from the holiday w/o me meeting anyone which I right now dunno if happened before or after I knew I was Jesus after listening to the song and after seeing the replys from Q and Trump and others and from the people around me.
will now discribe some things that happened but not sure right now if it was before or after the trip to Berlin I took on what I will explain little later. also the order is timewise not correct, but will just write it while thinking about it.
was invited to friends to have bbq and other friends joins, like little less than 10 people. via a bluetooth loudspeaker and phone a playlist was playing. song in that playlist were having certain topics like "hey, what fun old times we had as friends" or like "he is lonley" or something like that. what toppics does not matter at all, will try to explain other things.
also not sure if before that I had already "learned" that basically everybody around me talks to me. first I thought as hints on what to do bc I guess I thought they would be either super secret anti mason masons or something like that, then it had to me the meaning of hivemind and holy spirit. really hard to post it in that way, so much has happened that it´s really hard to even tell for me.
so at that friends place I entered and saw mason symbolism drawn onto a notebook (the attached little papers to make totes on that you then rip of). before that I saw many people showing mason symbolism, family included and before that I (think at least it was before, but should have been before) confronted my best friend with being mason and keeping secrets and by silence protecting bad stuff after the helocopter crash Trump tweet made me get kind of confirmation on doing that.
when I tell how it happened you need to make yourselves clear that now I know that I create reality and things happen bc I consider them likely. (kind of)
so I saw that mason stuff on the notebook, and right now I remember that before that family and friends and people I met before were also giving me the same numbers and signs in e.g. whatapp replies, like replying at 7 mins after the hour or 33 mins after or something like that, 7 being me, 33 being masonry. a lot like that happened, cannot remember right now but stuff that basically showed me "ok, well, I am the messiah and they all know". also I 'asked' if what I was saying into my phone was only to be listened by good guys or by all and answer was "the whole world is watching", which kind of makes sense.
so that playlist was playing different songs and it turned out that the conversations we had or what we did was pretty close to the topics of the songs in the playlist.
"hey let´s talk about the good old times" song: us talking on how "cool" we were back as teenagers and fun stuff like that.
"I´m lonley, so lonley" song: one friend leaving the table most of us were sitting (some at the bbq grill) and me thinking that right now I should to to him and have a conversation bc he was apart from the group and in that sense lonley, if even watching the garden and the street and zipping beer after minutes before having being part in conversations, so obviously he was not lonley or something.
so I kind of thought that I would have to do the stuff like the topics on the playlist.
also I was greeted with "hey, your hair is funny, kind of a Jesus look" and I brought 7 breads/rolls to be eaten to BBQ.
also song "you are my personal Jesus", don´t really agree with personal, but a "you are Jesus" song and then later a "goodbye" kind of song when I thought I had to say that I wanted to leave now (even though I mostly am the guy that stays until the guy throwing the party is just to tired and kicks me out).
thinking about it now and back then if obviously both makes me look like a fake actor while also having kind of introduced me to the fact that, what I now see, people kind of hear my thoughts or at least many things happening being very much related to what I do or think.
more stuff like that happened.