Covid is Over
Let Go of your
Your mind, it's a Prison.
NATO Allies could FF Ukraine any time meow
When Abortions' End with the turn Roe Vs Wade
Big Pharma will Collapse
Omigroan has given Natural Immunity to the Population
You don't need a Vax
You don't need a Booster
You don't need Pills
You don't need Rapid Test
You do need to let go of your fear
The Dragon has Been Slain
The Demon Lays Smote
You Are Safe Now.
Take Back your Rights
Take Back your Freedoms
Protect the Future
Protect the Children
Follow the Wives
Release the Hostages
You are Safe now
The Danger has Passed
You can go back to normal
If you remember how
Positive Energy is Beyond Capacitance
It will flow over the Population
Fearlessness will Spread
Open Insubordination Ends Mass Formation Psychosis
God Wins.
Covid is over
Not because of you
But because The People Figured it out
The Vaccine is the Virus
The Veil is so Close I can See & Touch it
Anons were never alone