>>15414295 (lb)
It's not an underwhelming answer, though it may not be exactly what you'd hoped for. The Truth is more powerful than anything else in the universe. With reality being the most malleable substance, Truth is the "polar north" by which all other perceptions eventually align with enough iterations of corrections. We each take our journeys, and our life experiences, when shared with each other, provide the way forward to pave a better future for all those that would always seek truth in all they do.
You are the author of your destiny. You are the manifest Will of God. You are on an eclectic journey with the rest of God's creation to experience what that means for you, and how you can share that experience to help others. There are those in this world that want to keep you from realizing your true potential. At this point in time in humanity's collective journey, we are battling an enemy of the Truth. The destination is the real beginning of human progress for ages to come.