QR is back and badass as ever.
Always remember anons. We never surrender the board. We never retreat from the board. Nobody is above another. We are all shoulder to shoulder with different functions.
If it does it does. It's not the board I or anybody else is attached to.
Tonight they're going to try to pass the federalization of Elections in the Senate. I'll be livecasting.
The Dems have concocted some sort of new rules that changes the filibuster rules back to simple majority with some bells and whistles. The RINO Senators like Collins are saying they won't go along with it. Hard to say what the gimmick will be yet. Tim Kaine was speaking in support of the abolishing of the 60 vote cloture and he looked very panicky. This is going to be interesting.
Senate Democratic leaders now turn to a planned effort to change the rules, impose a “talking filibuster” and ultimately pass the legislation without Republicans once debate ends.
The vote is set to be followed by an attempt by Senate Democratic leaders to change that 60-vote rule, impose a “talking filibuster” and ultimately pass the legislation without Republicans once debate ends.
That effort, which is expected later Wednesday night and would require only 50 votes, is also expected to fail.
It's not over in the Senate anons. I'll be livestreaming. They're going to try now to insert rules that only require a 50 vote hurdle.
The vote stealing legislation drama is far from over.
Why was Papi so happy today? He knows anons are all over the Cabal like a cheap sweater. Stay on them anons.
Manchin is going off on Dem Senators. He's pissed. He's interrupting the Dem speakers in the well and they're treating him like the King. This is so bizarre.