The cabal is so fucked.
America freed!
UK freed!
Scotland freed!
Czech Republic freed!
Dominoes falling worldwide because CURE is spreading worldwide.
Cultists misappropriate words all the time that has no bearing on the original usage.
"Liberal" was originally a term, derived from the word LIBERTY, to refer to small government, free markets.
Then socialists co-opted the term and today it means the opposite.
The term 'cabal' TODAY is different from whatever original derivation or definition it once had.
The 'party of the poor' are treating the poor like lab rats.
>Why are jews always involved in pedophile networks?
Same reason EVERY OTHER 'tribe' has pedophiles, muhjoo.
I know it's not me, but most of the time I have no idea what this bumbling idiot is saying.
The proof you're losing is that you're here, while anons are not on