Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:22 p.m. No.15418556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8612

Language is a technology. Language is an invention. Language is a tool and like all tools, it can be used for bad or good purpose. Language constructs and binds. Language reduces and objectifies. Each letter[character/symbol] can be traced etymologically. When the hueman senses detect a letter or associated sound, the brain fires the corresponding set of neurons. The meaning of each letter is rooted in thousands of years of history and ingrained in the subconscious mind. How long has no meant no and could no ever mean anything besides no? NO. no, no, no. The brain is constantly having it's subconscious neurons triggered after ingesting a symbol or associated sound. In the beginning was the word and the word as with god. Language is the prison. Life sentence, are you free?

I want free-markets of all kinds. Free-market education is school choice. Free-market information exchange are the chans. Free market management is the right to hire and fire employees for any reason. The free-market of ideas, education, and economy ought be deregulated. Free-market capitalism does not exist with any purity. All taxation is regulation. Licensing is regulation. Environmental regulation is not largest burden on market forces, it is taxation. The free-market does not inject currency into the system. Stimulus and quantitative easing is a load of shit. America might as well be a socialist nation. The tax rate is high. The market is controlled by only a few people. The corporate oligarchy is no more capable than the Chinese Communist Party. Anytime markets are driven by the few rather than the many, inefficiency will be found. Waste will be rampant.

Regulation of markets has been abused by the likes of Monsanto and Tyson Foods. Companies who help push laws that govern small farmers out of business. Patented seeds and sick livestock is what they demand. Organic and free range farming is the enemy of these companies.

The school board is very powerful. The school board determines how to educate, program, and indoctrinate the future citizens and employees of America. At the core, the American education system is just an employee training program for all the employees of the United States Inc.. This country produces efficient workers. The controllers want you submissive, problem solving, accepting, obedient. You are told not to be angry with anything, just accept life on life terms. Bullshit, pure bullshit. The programming program is executed against the populace from cradle to grave. Consume.

The social contract is breaking down. Government is losing credibility. People believe they can tamper with government forces without recourse. No fear of jail, punishment, or death. There is no fear of committing treason, sedition, conspiracy, racketeering. The law against treason was the first federal law

signed by the Governor himself, George Washington. Revolution always comes on time.

The globalist skim off the labor of hard-working people. The media perpetuates false realities and disseminates disinformation. The government lacks transparency and has an excess of black budget projects. Cultural apathy is rampant and America has lost control of the government. The current political system caters to corruption and criminality. Stand up. Speak up. Be heard. Resist. Infiltrate. Dismantle.

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:22 p.m. No.15418558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A bi-partisan revolution against a mutual enemy is inevitable. The revolution CANNOT be secure until borders are established. Import/Export controls. Minting of currency. A new world order always replaces the old world order. There is no possibility of combating systematic financial oppression without local sovereignty. States MUST secede from the Union or redefine the rights guaranteed by the 10th amendment. A better world is possible, each party having their own definition of perfection.

The constitution protects our right to choose. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It guarantees Freedom.

It is necessary to have local control of fully empowered local/state government. The federal government must be made benign. Responsible citizens do not fight over control of shared institutions.

A sense of civic duty demands prioritization of longevity of national sovereignty.

National sovereignty can only be guaranteed with an educated, informed and engaged populace.

Apathy is a scourge, a cultural disease. One symptom of cultural apathy is [losing control over the governing institution(s)] It rests on the Mockingbird media machine to encourage HEALTHY political participation. Principled citizens use the installed mechanisms of democracy to establish America's course. The people must Govern the Republic

One form of voting is the exercise of consumer choice. Every dollar spent is a vote for how your products are manufactured. The consumer IS the producer. The dollar produces the production. The choice to buy local and American belongs to you. This is America and shit gets produced right. Buy local, buy American.

Trafficking of labor and slavery ends with informed consumer choice. End needless environmental degradation. It is one thing to harvest resources. Clear cutting and strip mining is irresponsible. Dumping toxic waste on the third world is wrong. There is no good reason not to produce energy from the sun, wind and waves. It is not a political issue, it is common sense to revitalize our economy with renewables. The technology must be manufactured and installed by Americans for Americans.

The future is now. The hammer must fall.

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:22 p.m. No.15418561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8577

.<Pro>[blame] [1]: <teh[glow]<ballast> <skym> {off} .the. lay<boar> [of] <hard> [were]<king> [a][mare][i][can][s]

.<Pro>[blame] [2]: <the[med]<ea> <per>[pet][u]<eights> [fall][S]<e> [reee]<all>{it}<ties> [and] <dis><sim>[min]<eights> [dis]<in>[form><ate>[ion]

.<Pro>[blame] [3]: [go]<vern>[mint] <L>[ack!]<s[trans]<pair><ant><see> [and] <has> .an. <ex>[cess] <of> <b>[lack] <budge>[it] <pro>[jecks]

.<Pro>[blame] [4]: <Cult><u><r><all<a>[path][E] | is | <ramp><ant> [and] <A>[mare]<i><caw> [has] {lost} kun.<troll> [of] <teh> <go><vern><mint>

.<Pro>[blame] [5]: [The] <cure>[ant] <pole>[lit]<i><c><allcis.[stem] {caters}[2] <crym>[in]<all><lit.[E] <and> [core]<r><up>.t.<ion>

.<So>[loo].t.[ion]: [st]<and[up]. [S]<peak> [up]. <Bee>[herd]. [Reee]<cyst>. [In]<fill>[tray][T]. [Dis]<mantle>

Eh bye-part.|is|an >revolution< a.<gain>[st] a mu.(2).all [in]<a>[me] | is| [in]<evit>[able}

[Revolution] | (CAN)(NOT) bee see.[cure] <un>[til] bore.durs [r] <est>[ab][bull][ish][d]

[im]<port/ [ex]<port> kun.trolls

Minting [of] <cure>[ant].see

Eh noo whirled oar.dur [all]<weighs[re]<place>[is] .the> old whirled oar.dur

[Th]<air| is | know <poss>[I]<bill><it><tea> [of] <comm>[batting] cis.<stem>.attic [fine].ant.[shill] [oh]<press>[ion] <with><ow>[t] low.[call] >saw<[vern]>tee<

[states] | MUST | <seh><seed[f]<rum> the Un.<ion> oar <reee>[de][fine] the rye.[ts] g.<air><in>[tee][d] <bi> the > 10th <Amen>[d]<mint>

Eh .bet.[ur] <whirled| is | <poss>[I]<bill>, [each] <part.>[e] <having> th.<air> [oh.n] de.<fin>[it]<ion> [of] <pure>[feck>[ion>

The <con>[styt]<2>[ion] [pro]<techshour rye.[t] <2> .choose.

Lye[f], <Liber><tee[and][the] .pure.[suit> of [happy]>ness<

It g.<air><in>[tees] [free]<dumb>

[low]<call.kun.<trolls> on full<E> [imp][pow>.e.[red] [low][call]/stay[t] <go><vern><mint>

[The] [fed].dur.[all] <go><vern><mint| must | [bee] may[d] >Be9<

[reee]<spawns>[able] .city.[zens] <due| not | fye<t> oh.<var> [kun].troll [of] <s>[haired] in<sty><2>[ions]

Eh <sin>[S].e [of] <siv>[i][c] due<tee[dem]<and><s> [pry][or][it][I]<zing> <of> [gnat]<ion><all> [saw]<vern>[tea]

[gnat]<ion><all[saw]<vern>[tea] ]can[ on.lee [bee] g.<air>[in]<tee>[d] .with> [an] <ed>[U]<cay>[t][ID], in.<form>[ED] <and> [in]<gauged> [pop]><u><lace>

A.<path>[E] | is | <a[score][g] <and> eh [cult]<u><r><all> [dis]<ease>

Won <sim>p.[tum] <of[cult]<u><r><all> a<path>[E] | is | loo.<sing> [kun].troll oh<var> the <go><verning> in<sty>[2]<ions>

[It] <rests[awn] [hall][E]<would> [and] the [Mockingbird Media Machine] to [N]<cure>[age] HELL<THEE> pole<lit><i><c><all> [part]<i><c>[pay]<ion>

.<prince>[a]<pulled[city]<zens> [use] .in<stalled> [mech]<an>[isms] <of> [demo]<crazy> [2] {establish} [A].mare.<I><C><A>'s [few][tour]

[The] <pea>[pole] | must | <go><vernthe <Reee>[pub].[lick]

Won <fore>[m] of <vow>[ting] | is | <the[ex]<or><size> [of] <con>[sue]<mare> [choy]<c>

[E]<varydoll<or> <spin>[T] | is | a <vow]<T> [4] <how> <pro><ducts> [R] [man]<u><fact>.[toured]

The <con>[sue]<moor| IS | <the> [pro]<deuce>[or]

[The] doll<air[pro]<due>.[cis] <the>. pro<duct><ion>

The <choy>[C] to bye low<caland A.<mare>[I][can] bee.<longs> [2] [U]

T<his| is | A.<mare>[I][caw] & <s>[hit> [gits] d<one> rye[t]

[bye] <low>[cal], [bye] a.<mare><i><can>

The <traffic>[king] <of[lay]<boar> [and] <slay>[vary] <ends> [with] in<form>[med] <con>[sumer] choy[c]

[end] <knead>[less] <envy>[row]<mental[de]<grade>[day][T].ion>

[It] | is | <won[thyng] [2] <har>[vest] <re>.[sore][C]<is>

.<c>[leer] <cut>[i][n][g] <and[stryp]{mining} | is | <ear>[reeee]<sponse><able>

.<dumb>[ping] <talk>[sick] <way>[st] aw[n] [the] [3]<rd<whirled> | is | <ron>[G]

[th]<air| is | know <good> [reee]<son> .NOT. [2] <pro>[deuce] <inner>[g] f<rum [the] <son>, <wynd> [and] <weigh><v><s>

It <shud| not | <bee> [eh] <pole>[lit]<i><call> [is][U], [it] | is | <comm>[man] sin[S]<e> [2] <reee>[vye]<tall>[eyes] <the> [eco]<no>[me] <wyth> [re]<knew><ables>

the <teck>[nah]<low>[G] <must[bee] <man>[U]<fact>[tured] <bye> [A]<mare>[i][cans][4][A]<mare>[I][cans.

.the few<tour| is | now

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:23 p.m. No.15418565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

{anguage} | is | .teh. <mow>[st] <power>[full] >teck<knowledge>[E] <on[Urth]..{language} | is | <eh> [2][ool] <and> [2]<ools> [can] <bee> [used] [4] [b]<ad> [oar] .good..{language}<con>[struck]<s> [and] <binds>..{language} <re>[deuces] <and> {objectifies}..{<alpha>[bits]. [Muh] <letters> [r] <sim>[balls]…<sim>[balls] <halve> [core]<uh>[spawn][ding] <reee>[act][ions] [N] duh <brian>…<each> <let><ture> [can] <bee> [tray>[ced] ET.<my><log><i><c><all>[E] <thou>[sands] <of> y<ears><air> {meaning} | is | <rue><ted> [N] <hour> <sub>[con]<science> [brian]..w[hen] <the> {senses} <de>[tech][t] <eh> <let><ture> [oar] <ass>[o][she]<eight>[ed] <sound>, .muh. <brian> fyr[s] [core]<reee>[spawn][ding] <nor>[ons]

.how. <lawng[h]<ass> KNOW <mint> KNOW?



.<eye[w][ant] [f][reeee]-<mark><its> [of] <awl> [kynds]..[f][reeee]-<mark><it> [ed][U]<cat><ion> | is | <s><kool> [choyc]..[f][reeee]-<mark><it> <pro>[grams] [R] <D>[man][did] <via> [pub]<lick> <bra>[D]<casting> cis<stems>..[f][reeee]-<mark><it> in<form[AYY]>t<ion <hap>[pens] in de<reg>[U][late][d] <in>[vye]<row>[mints] <such> | as | .muh. [chan]..[f][reeee]-<mark><it> [imp]<ploy>[mint] | is | .teh. rye[t] [2] <were>[k]…<were>[k], <higher>, [fyr]…<reg>[U]<lay>t<ion> [has] >bin< {abused} <bye> .the. <lie[k][s] <of> [Monsanto] & [Tyson Foods]…<comm>[pin]<knees> [hoo] <help> [p]<us>[h] <laws> [witch] <go><vern> [sm]<all> {farmers}..[via] <reg>[U]<lay>t<ion>, [pat]<tent> [seed] <and> [sick] {livestock} | is | <w>[hat] (((they))) <de><man>[d]…<organ>[I][C] <and> [f]<reee> [range] {farms} [R] .the. [in]<e><me> [of] <these> [comm]<pin><knees>…teh. {school} <bore>[d] | is | <vary> [power][full]

.teh. {school} <bore>[d] <de><term><mines[how] [2] {educate}, <pro>[gram] <and> thus, )(indoctrinate)( <the> [few][ture] <city>[zen]<s> & <imp>[ploy][Es] <of> [United States Inc.]

.<pub>[lick] {education} | is | <de><signed[2] <pro>[deuce] the >most< [e][fish][ant] <were><king> [class]..[at] <the> {core}, muh {education} <cis>[stem] | is | <just> [imp]<ploy>[E] <t>[raining]..[The Controllers] <w>[ant] )you( [sub]<missive>, <crit><i><call>[E] [thin]<king>, [O][bee]<D><ant>..)you( [R] <t>[old] | not | [2][B] [angree] <with> [any][thing], <just> [axe]<sept> lie[f] <awn> lie[f]'<s> [turms]

<b><u><l><l><s><h><i><t>, [p][u][r][e][b][u][l][l][s][h][i][t]

.the. <pro>[gram] [2[ <pro>[gram] [U] is [exe][I]<cute>[D] <a>[gain]<st[The Populace] [f]<rum> <cray>[doll] [2] <gray>[v]…the. [so]<shill> [con]<tract> | is | <bray>[king] [d]<own>

[go][vern][mint] {continues] [2] <lose] <cred>[I]<bill><lit>[e]…<sum[pea]<pole> [b]<leave> [t]<hey> [can] <tamp>[purr] >with< [go][vern][mint] [f]<reeee> [of] <re><course>

[th]<air| is | <no> [f]<ear> [of] {commiting} <tree><son>, [said]<dit>[ion], <con>[spear]<a><c>, [rack]<a>[tear]<ring>…the [law] <a>[bout] <tree><son> [was]/[is] .the. [fur][st] <fed><err>[all] <law>…<sigh>[n][d] <bye> the <go><vern><or> [him].self, [George Washington]l

.<teh[glow]<ballast> <skym> {off} .the. lay<boar> [of] <hard> [were]<king> [a][mare][i][can][s]

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:23 p.m. No.15418570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

.<the[med]<ea> <per>[pet][u]<eights> [fall][S]<e> [reee]<all>{it}<ties> [and] <dis><sim>[min]<eights> [dis]<in>[form><ate>[ion]

.: [go]<vern>[mint] <L>[ack!]<s[trans]<pair><ant><see> [and] <has> .an. <ex>[cess] <of> <b>[lack] <budge>[it] <pro>[jecks]

. <Cult><u><r><all<a>[path][E] | is | <ramp><ant> [and] <A>[mare]<i><caw> [has] {lost} kun.<troll> [of] <teh> <go><vern><mint>

.[The] <cure>[ant] <pole>[lit]<i><c><allcis.[stem] {caters}[2] <crym>[in]<all><lit.[E] <and> [core]<r><up>.t.<ion>

.<So>[loo].t.[ion]: [st]<and[up]. [S]<peak> [up]. <Bee>[herd]. [Reee]<cyst>. [In]<fill>[tray][T]. [Dis]<mantle>..Eh bye-part.|is|an >revolution< a.<gain>[st] a mu.(2).all [in]<a>[me] | is| [in]<evit>[able}..[Revolution] | (CAN)(NOT) bee see.[cure] <un>[til] bore.durs [r] <est>[ab][bull][ish][d]..[im]<port> / [ex]<port> kun.trolls..Minting [of] <cure>[ant].see..Eh noo whirled oar.dur [all]<weighs> [re]<place>[is] .the> old whirled oar.dur..[Th]<air> | is | know <poss>[I]<bill><it><tea> [of] <comm>[batting] cis.<stem>.attic [fine].ant.[shill] [oh]<press>[ion] <with><ow>[t] low.[call] >saw<[vern]>tee<..[states] | MUST | <seh><seed> [f]<rum> the Un.<ion> oar <reee>[de][fine] the rye.[ts] g.<air><in>[tee][d] <bi> the > 10th <Amen>[d]<mint>..Eh .bet.[ur] <whirled> | is | <poss>[I]<bill>, [each] <part.>[e] <having> th.<air> [oh.n] de.<fin>[it]<ion> [of] <pure>[feck>[ion>

The <con>[styt]<2>[ion] [pro]<techshour rye.[t] <2> .choose…Lye[f], <Liber><tee> [and][the] .pure.[suit> of [happy]>ness<..It g.<air><in>[tees] [free]<dumb>..[low]<call> .kun.<trolls> on full<E> [imp][pow>.e.[red] [low][call]/stay[t] <go><vern><mint>..[The] [fed].dur.[all] <go><vern><mint> | must | [bee] may[d] >Be9<..[reee]<spawns>[able] .city.[zens] <due> | not | fye<t> oh.<var> [kun].troll [of] <s>[haired] in<sty><2>[ions]..Eh <sin>[S].e [of] <siv>[i][c] due<tee> [dem]<and><s> [pry][or][it][I]<zing> <of> [gnat]<ion><all> [saw]<vern>[tea]..[gnat]<ion><all> [saw]<vern>[tea] ]can[ on.lee [bee] g.<air>[in]<tee>[d] .with> [an] <ed>[U]<cay>[t][ID], in.<form>[ED] <and> [in]<gauged> [pop]><u><lace>..A.<path>[E] | is | <a> [score][g] <and> eh [cult]<u><r><all> [dis]<ease>

Won <sim>p.[tum] <of[cult]<u><r><all> a<path>[E] | is | loo.<sing> [kun].troll oh<var> the <go><verning> in<sty>[2]<ions>..[It] <rests> [awn] [hall][E]<would> [and] the [Mockingbird Media Machine] to [N]<cure>[age] HELL<THEE> pole<lit><i><c><all> [part]<i><c>[pay]<ion>

.<prince>[a]<pulled[city]<zens> [use] .in<stalled> [mech]<an>[isms] <of> [demo]<crazy> [2] {establish} [A].mare.<I><C><A>'s [few][tour]..[The] <pea>[pole] | must | <go><vern> the <Reee>[pub].[lick]..Won <fore>[m] of <vow>[ting] | is | <the> [ex]<or><size> [of] <con>[sue]<mare> [choy]<c>..[E]<vary> doll<or> <spin>[T] | is | a <vow]<T> [4] <how> <pro><ducts> [R] [man]<u><fact>.[toured]..The <con>[sue]<moor> | IS | <the> [pro]<deuce>[or]..[The] doll<air> [pro]<due>.[cis] <the>. pro<duct><ion>..The <choy>[C] to bye low<cal> and A.<mare>[I][can] bee.<longs> [2] [U]..T<his> | is | A.<mare>[I][caw] & <s>[hit> [gits] d<one> rye[t]

[bye] <low>[cal], [bye] a.<mare><i><can>..The <traffic>[king] <of[lay]<boar> [and] <slay>[vary] <ends> [with] in<form>[med] <con>[sumer] choy[c]..[end] <knead>[less] <envy>[row]<mental> [de]<grade>[day][T].ion>..[It] | is | <won> [thyng] [2] <har>[vest] <re>.[sore][C]<is> …<c>[leer] <cut>[i][n][g] <and> [stryp]{mining} | is | <ear>[reeee]<sponse><able>…<dumb>[ping] <talk>[sick] <way>[st] aw[n] [the] [3]<rd> <whirled> | is | <ron>[G]..[th]<air> | is | know <good> [reee]<son> .NOT. [2] <pro>[deuce] <inner>[g] f<rum [the] <son>, <wynd> [and] <weigh><v><s>..It <shud> | not | <bee> [eh] <pole>[lit]<i><call> [is][U], [it] | is | <comm>[man] sin[S]<e> [2]..<reee>[vye]<tall>[eyes] <the> [eco]<no>[me] <wyth> [re]<knew><ables>..the <teck>[nah]<low>[G] <must> [bee] <man>[U]<fact>[tured] <bye> [A]<mare>[i][cans][4][A]<mare>[I][cans.

.the few<tour| is | now

.<the hammer>.will.fall[.]

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:25 p.m. No.15418579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Your body generates fields.


First Picture

The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-based magnetometers


Article Here


Other Images:

As summarized in Rahnama, et. al., all living cells of plants, animals and humans continuously emit ultraweak biophotons (ultraweak electromagnetic waves) in the optical range of the spectrum, which are associated with their physiological states and can be measured. Neural cells also continuously emit biophotons. The intensity of biophotons is in direct correlation with neural activity, cerebral energy metabolism, EEG activity, cerebral blood flow and oxidative processes. There are significant correlations between the fluctuations in biophoton emission and fluctuations in the strength of electrical alpha wave production in the brain.


Articles Here: <Science Stuff>


Article Here: <Hippie Dippie>


Article Here: Current Technology <Known>

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:26 p.m. No.15418589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

date created : jan 13, 2020


famiSpiral Dynamics System Analysis


The system is falling into a trap of hierarchy. Turquoise leadership believes they need to raise the vibration or change the meme of all the “lower” memes. Turquoise, yellow, and green want to wake everyone up. However, when turquoise binds with green the force for collectivization stagnates individuation.


Green prevents its' membership from growing into the leadership yellow and turquoise prevents membership from growing into the individuated Coral self. In a world where collectivized memes are dominant in the workplace, critical thinking and differentiation is discouraged. The turquoise meme forgets their time as yellow. The turquoise meme forgets that memetic levels alternative between individual ego and group ego.


The green meme was born red, blue, or orange. The green meme believes “waking up” is a one time event. It stagnates here. Green wants to control red, blue and orange in the same way turquoise wants to control yellow and green. Green could become cohesive with red, blue and orange before turquoise absorbs green.


Orange is doing alright. Orange is the silent majority in America. Orange is lacking a voice. Green wants to wake up Orange rather than give voice to worker's movements and unions. Turquoise leadership giving voice to orange concerns could literally crash the American economy in a few days with general strikes.


Blue is healthy in general. Less adherent members of faith traditions are falling off and joining an increasing secular society. Red and blue go hand and hand in religion.


Red is just red. Red does red. Red will always do red. Respect red.


Fix the model.





Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:29 p.m. No.15418610   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The United States government should operate the exports of this country to benefit the workers at home. We must have open navigable waters.


The home, your personal white house, contains a group, your family. Families operate their cell and fix their problems. Homes come in variable forms, or shells. You vessel is a tool, like a ship on open water. In this water, you can move, run and speak. It is your home, your nest. Navigate life, find a path, an open group. Find a group that represents you and your wave-form.


God focuses on our impulsive selves and teaches us to be strong people. Working with the Land brings us closer to God, it is magical.



Create open spaces for citizens to manage the dollar. Government leadership can create the possibility if they imagine it together.


Create, gather, think as a group. Call that group a family and put it in a home, your nest. Your family can put their hands together and bake bread. Families can run in a fashion in which it moves and speaks together. You can earn money as a group and pool it together for resources. People in leadership positions are the king. Kings use the tools of light to create an image. Families can be kings by creating images together that direct their lives.


It is okay to act in your own self interest when focused on inner growth. It is okay to be selfish with God. Land based leadership speaks. The Land is sacred.



Government cells orient and focus on America first. Anybody in this country can work, move, and speak within the law. The government still has a process to extract everything from you.


Gather all the cells in your body. Orient the group with your internal compass. It is your nest, your home, your life. People come in many variable forms, any body functions. The body is your vessel and it is a tool. It contains all your exports; labor, products, ideas. You run your own personal movement and speech. Earth is the governing body and acts as a container. The Earth is a tool that humans can extract plants from. The gear systems of Earth are secure.


Prioritizing inner-work leads one on a path to God. Leadership is working with the Land, holding principles of doing “what you want, when you want”, sacred.







Government exports are correlated with Earth extraction. Question the story of our one home and life. American leadership needs to focus on exporting our Creativity.


Plant a question that climbs. Plant ideas with your family about the algorithm and math. Tell the story of life and our relationship to history. Food groups are an important subject. Well stored and nested food groups will create a better home life. Be a leader of your lion pack, every person can lead. Orbit the spin of your family. Families come in variable forms and shells. The family is a a vessel and has the ability to produce goods for export.


Inner-work on your relationship with Earth can be magical. Earth does what it wants when it wants. It is the leader that leads the work.



The connection between light, the body, and nature makes me think about how to operate my vehicle, my vessel. If our labor is yoked, the workers don't prosper together as a family.


Gather a map of all the connections. Use your tools to image the light. Any body, or shell, will work. Imagine nature as a tool shed, a place to create, gather, and think. Drive your vessel, your body, to act.

Uniform workers can work together to earn bread for their family. People can yoke themselves like oxen for labor and split up after work.


Focusing on your natural self can give purpose to your entire system. Inner-work while laboring is a great way to benefit your system. The impulse for inner-work will improve your leadership ability.

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:33 p.m. No.15418639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645


.<Siv>All [b]<rain[O]<pin> S<hell> [cis]<stem>

.| Key | <Ad><verse[Kern]<el> [In]<stall> [Go]<vern>

[Go]-vern <Imp>[ort] <Well>[th] [F]<isle[L]<is>[t]

[Map] Won | Seed | Hon<EM.<ilk>

[S]<tore[cis]<stem> [S]<ort> | Object | <Lee><deer><ship>

[G]<row[Seed] Re-<pear> Hon[E] [M]<ilk>

[M]<app[Go]<vern> Build Decisive Leadership

[N]<stall<Sim><pull> <Uni><for[m]> Up<[d]<ate>> [cis]<stem>

[O]<pin[Go]<vern> [Stay]<bull>[lies] [Con]<neck><ion> | Bio | log[e]

[B]<io>log[y] [Cree]<ate| Cell | [D]<elite> [T]<rash>

[Cis]<stem[Flu]<sh> [T]<rash> [B]<rain> [Con]<neck><ion>

[Stay]<bull>[lies] [I]<mage[See].<cure> [I]<mage> | Key |

| Key | <Well>[the] <Imp><ort[G]<old> {| Water |}

[Comm]<bi>[N] {| Water |} [G]<old<Cree>[ate] | Free | dumb

.<See>.cure [S]<hell<Op><or><rate> | Free|.dumb [cis]<stem>

[S]<hell<Shy>[ft] <Op><or><rate> {| Water |} See.<cure>

[S]<hell<Shy>[ft] <Op><or><rate> <Well>[the] <Cis><stem>

Up<[d]<ate>[Go].<vern> [F]<in>[d] [O].<pin> | War |

| War | Close<d[F]<isle> [O]<pin> <Or><bit>

.<Orb><it[Prior]<it>[eyes] Won | Nest | | Object |

Won [Go].<vern| Mirror | [S]<tore> <Cis><stem>

[Sim]<pull<Uni>[form] Up<[d]<ate>> <Shy>[ft] [S]<tar>

| Salivate | [S]<tar| Salivate | Bill[d] [I]<mage>

[S]<hell<See>[cure] [Cis]<stem> [See]<cure> [Al.gore]<rythm>

[Al.gore]<rythm[F]<isle> [Go]<vern> | Key Salivate |

{| Water |} [L]<oop[Or]<gain>[i]<c> | Seed | [L]<oop>

.<Imp><ort| Mirror Mirror Mirror | [I]<mage>

[See]<cure<<| Kernel |>> Close[d] [Dry]<v> | Bio | log[e]

Close[d] [B]rain [Go]<vern<Ex>[port] [Al.gore]<rythm>

|| Salivate Find || <Free>[dumb] [cis]<stem[Ex]<port>


Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:35 p.m. No.15418650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8653

Anonymous ID: dfa947 Jan. 19, 2022, 6:35 p.m. No.15418653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15418650 sky-cosmic-collisions-killer-asteroids-and-the-race-to-defend-earth/