Answer your phone baker posted at 21:50
Baker got off the phone at 00:55
That was one long ass phone call.
Answer your phone baker posted at 21:50
Baker got off the phone at 00:55
That was one long ass phone call.
Queens rook castle (Black king to c8).
White Bishop to F5 (bF5) Black King in Check (Czech)
Been looking at Queen's Gambit (white D pawn to D4, Black D pawn to D5, White C pawn to C4). With this black can either take C4 (Queens Gambit accepted) or make another move. This strategy battles for control of center. It caught my attention because it's also called The Aleppo Gambit (Aleppo Syria…remember how much shit they gave Gary Johnson for not knowing what Aleppo was?). The interesting thing about this, is that White doesn't care much either way if the pawn (Syria) is taken or not, since they are shooting for recovering the center leverage later in the game.
Q post - _ACTION_DBF5Cz-BSY-1_y Where I got Bishop to F5, Check (Czech) was from Jan 7th, and the follow up post DhytcDFbF5874/37875
was from March 9th. The order seems to be a bit backwards, though, since the D5 reference came after.
Speculating that the game references could be reversed. Raniere, I believe, was referred to by Q as a Bishop.
Also side dig…The second March 9 post contained what could be a fraction. The Bishop Cipher converts text to anagrams, which are assigned 2 numbers from a key - a numerator and a denominator (Still digging here). A variation on this cipher uses a chessboard with static numbers, called Drunken Bishop Cipher - which has exploitable weaknesses. An interesting way to "accidentally" drop easily cracked info by N S A.
Forgot 5:5….could also be E5…post:
Clock activated.
Stage_5:5[y] from March 23rd.
Clock activated (chess clock), Red (Bad guys?) castles. Green (good guys?) castle in response and someone stages their next piece to e5. Still working on it…Chessfag board seems to be dead.