Wew lads, buckle up for this comfy story.
Sitrep re: Teachers pushing political ideology and squashing dissenting opinions.
So I originally mentioned my son's English paper he had to write (pic related). Had our meeting and school didn't seem like they gave 2 shits; Mrsanon had to be restrained (mildly) by me. Enter military school liaison. Absolute 180, moved teacher/counseled her etc. Not sure any further actions b/c son has since moved out (to be w/ waifu). Now to round 2. 5th grade anonjr complains about cuck teacher professing his desires for Obama to have done a 3rd term & that it was Hillary's turn, numerous CNN talking points (literally cited CNN) etc. etc. for months now. Anonjr calls him on his hot garbage (politics and otherwise) and is repeatedly quelled by MrCuck citing authority and that he knows more b/c he has a degree/is a teacher. I confront w/ message about situation re: teachers not being allowed to say things like this to students as the school cannot favor any particular political opinion. (Better worded; changed for opsec). He retorts with hot garbage, deny/distort/race card/deflection. I left alone b/c I figured he feared for his job. Problems kept ensuing re: his behavior. Go to address situation today. I cite the specific events and what was violated: Hazelwood Sch. Dist. v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988); Tinker v. Des Moines School Dist, 393 U.S. 503 (1969); as well as the Pickering-Connick test. Principal and Counselor immediately know I'm not fucking around. MrCuck goes 100% insane liberal. (Like that bald Dem propagandist always on Tucker). Keeps shouting, laughing, scrunching his face, hopping in his seat, covering his face, etc. I point out his insane behavior. Keeps going bananas. I'm laughing and concerned at the same time. I just start listing off all the warning signs he's displaying w/ confirmation of my assessment from counselor & principal. Absolute meltdown going on about "muh authority". MrsAnon shouts "YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY HERE!". He responds "look up dunning-Krueger effect" (restraining myself) I lean forward and say "look up cognitive dissonance". Full meltdown. Gets dismissed by principal.
Best part is he always makes comments about power/authority and mil terms (like toe the line). MrsAnon questioned if he ever served (b/c of his use of language). He dismisses her question, lobs it back & dismisses her mil service and all mil service as nothing. Administration shuts him down; probably b/c this is memorial day weekend. Absolute MAGA.
-ret. Army Nurse