CABAL ARE FUCKING JEWS AND WORSHIP SATAN. Im not taking any words back.
BV is banning /pol/lacks for no reason.Im not the only one.A lot of us got hammer last 3-4 days.
When confronted last night lied and called me a muh_joos(JIDF/Hasbara phrase) shill.
Posts show me actually defending board from shills and normal chit chat. Minimal number of posts for 48hrs(IRL stuff).
Ill say again IF you actually bother to read. I was telling BC17/JIDF and various UFO tards to fuck off over a 2 DAY period when the board was a shitshow.
Ive defended newfags and this board through all the shitstorms. Nothing nefarious. I read 60 pages of useless Hilldawg emails and even had a notable. Board Jew didnt list all posts.
Comped from within. Kikes are going to do a CBTS on this place.
Make up your own mind. Enjoy the new sanitized and meme free /qresearch goyim.