Anonymous ID: 5beaf9 Jan. 20, 2022, 5:35 a.m. No.15421155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1188 >>1210 >>1217 >>1693


Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May




Most of you have known me by my given name when I was here incarnated - Jesus, or Yeshua ben Joseph, my family name. Sananda is my ancient Soul name, given to me at the time of my Soul birth, and so you might think of it as my "real name." I come at this time to speak with you because I wish to correct some of the untruths that were spread about my teachings along with the facts surrounding my incarnation on Earth as Jesus.


Much of what you will read in these New Scriptures will surprise you because it is unlike the picture of me you have been taught to believe and because, in these messages, I have focused on Political and Economic as well as Spiritual matters. I have done this because it was decided - in consultation with the Company of Heaven and with our Beloved Creator - that it was time for Earth's People to understand that there is no separation between public and private life. This is increasingly true as the vibrations rise on the Planet in preparation for your Ascension to the Higher Dimensions.


The Cosmos is guided by a specific and immutable program of Universal Law, which includes as one of its tenets that feelings and thoughts are the medium of creation. It cannot be otherwise, but this is a new idea for most of Humankind. What you believe, you create. What you fear, you create, and what you oppose, you strengthen. Even more powerful is the energy of Love, for Love can overcome fear and any Dark belief system or thought form. You are now, in the beginning of the 21st Century, engaged in the "End Game" that will see the Finale of the struggle between Light and the illusion of Darkness.


The Chapters I have given here are for the purpose of clarifying the difference between Darkness and Light and for helping to clear away old, destructive patterns of thoughts and behaviours. I have watched as many of the darkest teachings have unfortunately been shored up by the distorted "religious" teachings that are supposedly based on, or affected by, my Teachings.


I regret that a new Religion was created in my name. I had no intention of being the centre of any organised movement. I do not endorse "Christianity" nor any other religion. Humankind has reached a level of maturity that will allow for freedom of thought and for freedom from constricting dogma that sometimes passes for moral teachings.


I came here to teach Unconditional Love, the Love of our Creator. I came to use my understanding of God's Love and Light to help people heal and to alleviate the suffering caused by oppression of all kinds. I do the same now, with an audience that has access to a far more sophisticated understanding of science, politics and economics than those I was addressing in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago. We also now have access to the Internet as a way of sending out the message across the globe.


I hope you will pass on this message as widely as possible, to help raise the consciousness of the entire Planet at this time of preparation for the "Great Event", the project you and I have been working toward for aeons: The Ascension of all Humankind along with their beloved Mother Earth.


It is a glorious time. It is a time of Hope, Community, Harmony and Love. Yes, of course there are signs of chaos and upheaval, but they are the final writhing of the "Beast" before its departure into the archives of memory. You are free. It is now a matter of claiming that freedom and celebrating together as we lay down the foundation for The New Golden Age on Planet Earth.


I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition. I wish to encourage and support you, and with the help of our "Boots on the Ground" - our worldwide network of incarnated Lightworkers - to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries. Join with us now, for you are a Lightworker too. You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognise the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts. Together, we will manifest our Dream.

Anonymous ID: 5beaf9 Jan. 20, 2022, 5:51 a.m. No.15421217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1237 >>1264


The New Scriptures as given by Jesus / Sananda

Chapter 9


Channel: Kathryn E May, PsyD August 22 2013


There is a momentous event taking place on Planet Earth this day, August 21, 2013. You may not be aware of it, but that does not make it any less historic. Today is the day that all the Dark Entities which have been hiding inside human hosts are being told they must leave now, and in doing that they must choose to either give themselves up and go to the Light, or be dissolved back into the pool of molecules, as required by Prime Creator. There will be no exceptions. Any who refuse to leave, but insist on remaining with the host will be slowly dissolved by the action of the Light energy within the host. The higher the vibration, the faster the dissolution will take place.


You see, they are being given a choice whether to continue their lives as a soul or be discontinued. This is more than fair, as you might say. The are hearing my voice as this is being announced. Should they decide to turn toward the Light, they will be escorted gently by a guide who respects their individuality and their choice. The ones who are taken to the Light will be forgiven and welcomed back, for it is not the past that matters in one’s soul development. It is the state of your soul, your attitude, your intention and your Light at this very moment which matters. Nothing else. Anyone can be restored; everyone can be forgiven.


As we write this, our dear Lady Portia who is transcribing my words is feeling the intense energy. It is filled with feeling: anxiety, fear, confusion, conflict, like a drop of water on a hot skillet, as she describes it. It is difficult to manage for those of you who are empathic, especially if you are not aware of the source. This high intensity will continue until after the healing radio show in which the Dark Entities are taken to the Light by Archangels Gabrielle and Lucifer. They have taken on the responsibility of calling in and receiving all those who were lost, and all those who were conscripted into the Legions of Satan, under the incorrect impression that their leader was Lucifer.


Lucifer was not ever evil, nor was he the Satan, nor was he the leader of any dark organization or gang. He was and will always be our dear brother whose name means Light, and who has lived an exemplary series of lives in the service of humankind. His intention was to teach humans to learn to love themselves, and by doing that he believed they would find their connection to God. Although we do not generally talk about our earth incarnations, I will give you an idea of the kind of work Lucifer did in his lives. One recent incarnation was as Abraham Maslow, the brilliant psychologist who developed the concept of “peak performance.” It inspired many to reach for what is best in themselves. You have also heard of his work as one of Ancient Greece’s most well-known philosophers.


Lucifer and Gabrielle are continuing their work to protect and free humankind from the Dark Ones who came here to Planet Earth to dominate all. They are finishing that arduous task by clearing the entire planet of the minions who were seduced into the order of evil-doers by those who believed that they could defeat God. As you can see, they did not, and they never will. It is now time for them to be permanently removed, from within your bodies, and from the surface of Planet Earth. They cannot survive in the higher dimensions without being restored to heart feeling, so they are not a threat to other 5th dimensional planets or any beings of high vibration.


Now let us turn our attention to the monumental events of today, Thursday, August 22, 2013 by your Earth Calendar. This evening, at 8 pm Eastern Time, (New York time), there will be an event which will be recorded in the history of the planet as a turning point, the beginning of a new era. We will conduct a healing session of monumental proportions, in which all the Dark Entities still hiding on Planet Earth will be called to come forward to be taken to the Light. The one we are calling Prince Reginald will cooperate with Gabrielle, who will sound her trumpet. This sound will reverberate into every part of the planet, to those who are being harbored by human hosts and to those who are hiding inside the Earth’s crust, and those who have been flushed out of their base on the far side of the Moon.


Anonymous ID: 5beaf9 Jan. 20, 2022, 5:59 a.m. No.15421264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1273 >>1287 >>1319


The New Scriptures as given by Jesus / Sananda


Chapter 10


Channel: Kathryn E May, PsyD


August 28 2013


When this Ascension plan you are carrying out now was put in place thousands of years ago, it was considered a very ambitious design. While there have been many planets in the cosmos which have ascended, and many groups of people who have ascended in the past, it is not generally done all together - planet and inhabitants in cooperation.


It is common for a planet to be cleared of its inhabitants, who go elsewhere for a time to do their lessons, while the planet itself raises its vibration to a higher and higher level, finally achieving the transition to a higher dimension. Some have done this several times, and now reside in the plane which is not visible to you. In other cases, the individual souls have taken on the project to raise themselves to a higher dimension, where they too exist in a dimension which your human eyes cannot perceive.


You are familiar with the story of my death and resurrection. This was my ascension from planet Earth into higher dimensions. It was intended to represent for you the possibility of eternal life, with a body risen to be your vehicle by which you can return to lower dimensions if you wish without having to go through the birth and death experience. Unfortunately, that was not the part of the story that has been told, so I will take the opportunity here to explain it.


I did not come to our beloved Planet Earth to die for anyone's sins. That is a nonsensical idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs. I came to teach Love, simply that. I wanted to express my own Love for the Creator, and to show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with those in spirit form who oversee and assist in our lives. I saw the cruelty and greed on the planet and wished to find a way to lead people away from the suffering it caused.


Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the march of the Reptilian race. They distorted my teachings, in the way they compiled the Bible, and even more effectively in the way they interpreted my teachings. My disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what we stood for, but their writings are overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose agenda was to promote divisiveness and exclusivity rather than Unity and recognition that we are all One.


I did not come to establish the religion, Christianity. I would not have permitted teachings which would divide my people, the Jews, from anyone of other faiths or belief systems. I had hoped to create a body of work which could be included in any and all religious or philosophical points of view. It was intended to expand consciousness, no matter what a person's belief system might be. Unfortunately, I had not yet left the Earth plane when the one who called himself Paul took it upon himself to begin an energetic proselytizing campaign in which he appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles. Thus began the divisiveness between my followers and others which has continued to this day.


Paul, or Saul as he had been known, did not know me, nor did he understand the depth of my desire to encourage Unity across races, religions and creeds. Instead, he began a crusade to teach his own version of my words, adapted to his own narrow view of the world. He had been a cruel man, one whose purpose it had been to persecute my followers. It is true that he had a "vision" in which I asked him why he was so determined to do this. There was nothing unique about his ability to hear my complaint. Many have been able to hear my voice more consistently than he did. It did convince him to end his overt crusade which was intended to murder us, but his attraction to power and psychological violence did not end there.


I do not blame Paul for his zealousness nor his destructive effect on my teachings. He was under the sway of Dark forces, was inhabited by Reptilian entities, and was strongly influenced by his early family lessons. He has long ago been forgiven, and has returned to the family of Love and Light. He will play an important part in the coming Ascension of humankind. In fact he is now a Commander of one of the large ships which will aid in the healing process of those who come to us in the first waves of those who have raised themselves sufficiently to cross into the 5th dimension.

Anonymous ID: 5beaf9 Jan. 20, 2022, 6:48 a.m. No.15421541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1566

The New Scriptures as given by Jesus / Sananda


Chapter 11


Channel: Kathryn E May, PsyD

Sept. 2, 2013


Let us speak now of the challenges you will need to overcome in order to accomplish your personal Ascension. It is a process which very few on your planet have completed in the past, although many have lived productive and loving lives.

It has been difficult to reach the high level of vibration required because of the atmosphere of heaviness, Darkness which has surrounded you. Even some who were named Saints after their deaths were not able to sustain the 5th dimensional vibration because of religious teachings, trauma or personal difficulty which caused them to lose their grip on the source of high vibration, which is Love and Joy.


Yes, it has been an impediment to ascension in the past when people believed that happiness and godliness do not mix. This has been a terrible travesty, because suffering and pain have been lauded, while cheerfulness and good will have been seen as a lack of serious commitment. What a shame this is. Laughter, song, dancing and play are a great part of the foundation for a strong connection to God. It has been a terrible development in religious practice, that self-flagellation, self-hatred and self-punishment are accepted as an appropriate means to elevating one's spirituality.


I wish to make it very clear that punishment of any kind, including that which is directed toward the self, is completely inappropriate to any religious or spiritual practice which intends to lift one to a higher plane. These actions serve rather to lower one's vibration by creating pain, especially emotional pain. It must be the most serious consideration in working toward Ascension that each person examine their habit of self-judgment.


Self-judgment is not the same as evaluating your own behavior in order to improve or change. Judgment is an attitude of superiority, condemnation and prejudice. It is designed to create a feeling of triumph or power over another, even if that "other" is your own self. Thus, a division is created in the person - what you might call a split in the personality - in which the one who judges harshly and the one who is punished happen to inhabit the same body. Such is the power of the human imagination, that one can take a position of power over oneself.


This separation or division between the "I" and "Me" within one individual has come to be accepted as a normal, even advantageous way to motivate or improve oneself. This is not true. Just as punishment creates ill will and resentment, so does self-punishment. This tradition of applying Darkness to create Light is entirely destructive, a form of torture developed by those who wished to divide and control others. You cannot divide and control yourself; this is a direct route to the lower-vibe emotions, like sadness, despair, depression and anxiety. It prevents you from breaking free, and it prevents you from doing the healing you need to accomplish in order to ascend.


Now, what is the way out of this conundrum? Understand that Our Love contains no judgment, no condemnation, no disapproval. In accepting the Love of God, you must also relinquish your attachment to disapproving judgment. Love yourself as I love you, and you will begin to smile. Allow the last of your tears to fall, cleansing the regret and pain you have accumulated over lifetimes of disapproval and belittlement, then dry your eyes and look around you. You will begin to see beauty, strength and intelligence in those around you - those who are like you and those who are different.

God does not look down upon those whose skin is a different color from yours, or those who are poor, those who are in a female body, or those who are practicing a religion that is different from yours. All are God's children, and all are equal in God's eyes. I see you as Mother/Father God do: I see brilliant souls at every level of development, all striving to learn, all wanting to evolve. None is more valuable than any other in our eyes; all are precious, all are divine.


All life in the Universe is sacred, and all life represents consciousness. Every planet is a Being, every animal, plant and insect are soul creations, an integral part of All That Is. The Kingdoms of the plants and animals are sacred participants in the whole that is under the protection and nurturance of Mother Earth, the great cosmic planet soul. It is not an esoteric or strange pagan practice we teach here - it is Truth. You have been separated from connection to the life around you, and it has added to your estrangement, your feelings of alienation and loneliness. Restore those connections and you will never again feel loneliness or despair.


Anonymous ID: 5beaf9 Jan. 20, 2022, 6:53 a.m. No.15421566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1608


We are sending waves of healing energy to you now, to help you wash away old feelings, old convictions and old pain so that you can experience yourselves as the brilliant beings of Love you were born to be.


Let me give you one last definitive explanation of what is required for your personal ascension:


1). You must maintain complete command over your emotions, thoughts and feelings, such that you only permit expression of the high vibration emotions, which are Love, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness, Joy, Laughter, Harmony and Peace.


2). Gain command over your thoughts so that you refuse entrance to those thoughts and ideas which cause you doubt, anger, resentment, anxiety or despair, or which bring these feelings to others. Do not insist that you are simply addressing "reality." These thoughts are all manifestations of Darkness, the Dark teachings of the past.


3.) Understand that self-defense is only that. Initiating an attack on another, regardless of the professed excuse, is never acceptable to God.


4). Remain in a state of good will, kindness and compassion toward yourself and your fellow humans at all times. Any religion or attitude which professes enmity, disapproval or condemnation toward others is false and not of this Creator.


5). Accept that you, and all the animal, vegetable and mineral creations on your Planet Earth are conscious beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend. Refrain from eating the animals, for they are your friends. You will all rise together, and you will receive great assistance from the other Kingdoms.


6). Protect your planet as you would your child, for she is the source of Life. Do not permit invasion and attack to her body, regardless of any excuse that is given or any entitlement assumed.


7). Join with others, especially including the children, to joyfully and consciously prepare yourselves for this all-important event. Nothing in your lives is as important or as deserving of your attention as assuring your own Ascension and that of the people around you.


8). Allow the endless Love from Us to flow through your body and fill your heart. In this way, you allow your own ascension to occur effortlessly.


9). Teach patience, compassion and endless Love through your own actions, which speak louder than anything you can say. Make peace with those around you, and you will live in peace.


10). Approach this challenge with Joy, for it is truly the stairway to Heaven.

These are my Commandments and the desire of my Heart, to see every one of my Earth children ascend in Joy, as all fulfill the destiny of humankind, to live in peace and harmony in the 5th dimension. They are Universal Laws, and living by these Laws will bring unfathomable happiness and fulfillment to every being on Earth and in the Heavens.


I give you my Love, my trust in your innate Nature, and the assistance of my trusted Masters to help ease your way. May your days be filled with Laughter and Joy.

I AM your Prime Creator.

Anonymous ID: 5beaf9 Jan. 20, 2022, 7:10 a.m. No.15421649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1664


Look at this statistically. You being awake are 1 in million? You being awake and here are 1 in a hundred million?

You being awake and here and awake to the fact that earth is ascending and these are the front lines.

1 in a billion?

This is mission impossible.

Being here right now trying to awaken the most criticality thinking humans / anons on the planet with no actual proof.

You have a BIG MISSION