Good morning frens, have a white pill.
Only the entire time
Saw a weird thing this morning on my drive to work. It looked like a star was falling straight out of the sky, straight down. There wasn't a trail, just the white light. Then it like "exploded" in a white flash and disappeared before it hit the ground.
sucks being poor, but it was in the sky, doubt a dash cam would have picked it up from my angle
When / if bluebeam happen I'm banking on it being a pretty shitty holographic show and my ability to tell its fake, what I saw looked real.
I've also seen what I think are ufos, little bell shaped objects in the sky that are the color of the clouds moving around.
Well not sure what he's doing in a random part of Wisconsin then.
I don't want to go for another ride in this reality. I want to get off of Mr. Bones wild ride.
I wouldn't sell something like that, I'd just post it.
i just want world peace and bliss and shit, my soul feels extremely tired from this incarnation of subterfuge, misdirection and not knowing what to do with myself and feeling like I'm purposeless / not special.
I'm just drained and tired fren, thanks for the kind words. If some visible good changing starts to happen in the world I bet I'll be recharged in no time.
the shooting will start before then
lmao hes fucking cruising
Oh, I'm a flat earther I dont believe nasa at all.
SEE ITS ALL CGI !!1!!!1!!one!!!!!!!
One problem I've always had with this sort of thing is the difference between self control and controlling others. I know controlling others is negative, but I have a problem separating that into how self control then is a good thing.
Also really feeling a lack of self importance, lack of self confidence lately. I'm not good at anything, nor am I anything special.
thats neat, but I've seen shooting stars before. There was no trail.
thanks im cured
I don't think these are the front lines. If they were, then thered be some sort of fight going on. I think the front lines are reserved for those with the knowledge to do astral projection, probably some magic.
yeah just like that
yeah, meteors my fucking ass.
>when there air is free and theres fee to use the beach