If I remember correctly from American Government class, elections are up to the states.
>These people really are stupid.
Do you not see the implications and that now any of barry's records related to Russiagate will end up being released as well due to the precedent set here.
>It must be done right.
It must be done according to the rule of law.
It must carry weight.
It must be proven in the court of law.
There can be no mistakes.
Good things sometimes take time.
Haven't you noticed, testify then drop. They get on record with their bullshit then afterwards the evidence to contrary drops. It takes time.
>All of that would be true except for these fucking facts.
>1.The courts? They own them.
>2. The "rule of law"? Their laws.
>3. It must carry weight? Will carry none.
>4. It must be proven in the court of law? See #1
>5. There can be no mistakes? Good fucking grief!!!
>6. Good things sometimes take time? A luxury this nation does not have.
All of this was addressed in the drops, reread em and try to understand them.