Did Moses obey the pharaoh when he sent his plague of frogs?
So we both agree the Pharaoh having power and Moses using the frogs was part of God's plan right? Where then are we disagreeing? If Moses had not disobeyed the Pharaoh and brought the plagues the Exodus would not have commenced. So I do not get your point of surrendering to the Potato, as we both agreed Moses had not surrendered.
So if you are going to say that part of the bible is not historically accurate then you don't believe the bible. Let me give another example then. How about Jesus's birth? Were Mary and Joseph disobeying King Herod? Since you don't believe the bible is historically accurate but instead a book of wisdom, should we not follow the wisdom of Mary and Joseph keeping Jesus, the savior of mankind, to live to adulthood? But they were disobeying their government by disobeying Herod right? So which would the wisdom of the bible tell us to do? Follow ALL government orders without exemption? Or be like Moses and say let my people go? I think you know the answer. Let me give another example. Were the germans of 1940 obeying God by following Hitler? Blindly following orders is less wise then using wisdom and our moral compass, wouldn't you agree? If Biden tomorrow told us all to kill all gingers would we be disobeying God by not hunting down coppercab?
You mentioned the bible is a book of wisdom and not a book of history right? As anon said previously in an argument you said you respected. Paul said it under self preservation. Under your argument of the bible being a book of wisdom and you agreeing paul said that for self preservation, the book of wisdom is telling us paul was wise to say that to protect himself. Also under your argument of the bible being a book of wisdom and not historical, we could then deduce that it is ok to disobey your government as Mary, Joseph and Moses all disobeyed their governments under yet again self preservation. Answer me this, was it wise for these acts of disobedience? You claim we should all obey biden as the bible tells us to. Since the bible is under your own admission a book of wisdom, perhaps you are misinterpreting it. If you cannot see how Godly men and women of the Bible disobeyed their governments and how it was the wise thing to do, and are arguing that we need to all obey government without exemption, perhaps as i said you are misinterpreting the book of wisdom. Answer this one question. As someone who wishes to follow the bible, should all orders of a government be obeyed? Even if the government commands you to go against all ten commandments? That creates a dilemma, as you said the bible is a book of wisdom, therefore using it's wisdom when coming across a dilemma as such you must use your wisdom and moral compass to obey God. Not simply obey all orders a government gives you. Just as Lucifer attempted to usurp God's rule, a usurper is not legitimate, and obeying God would not be following Lucifer it would be quite literally obeying God.