Ban genital mutilation of infants!
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
0bama can 'likely never die', he just ends up being the (((persona))) he was up until that point that he couldn't die.
This is how a demon has been trapped. jews used this to have 0bama murder people around the world as 'commander in chief' of the U.S..
what remains is not 'the god of the dead', but 'the dead 'god''
do not have anything to do with jews!
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
mostly 'dead' people 'voting democrat'
that Isis understood differently than (((mainstream)))
jews have a thing about killing Christians out at sea?
related to witches being 'not-drowned'?
the only thing 'tethering' jews alive is the fact that they have a 'physical form'
'color coded'
being on twitter is saying that you are not going to be honest about genital mutilation of infants
that 'jar-baby' that barbara had/has was to 'join hell and earth'
jews have 'nothing to lose' because jews have no soul
humans have nature, time and Jesus to help them survive against those of genital mutilation of infants (synagogue of satan).
keeping jews around will mean that jews have to understand not to be non-human, i.e. jews have to be told not to kill or to be pedophiles
jews understand this only if they are 'trained' as dogs, this is why they have their 'scripts' as jews have only darkness, where Christians (humans) have Jesus.
who wants jews around if they have to 'simply' hope that jews were trained well enough not to rape and murder your children
this is dependent on jews understanding to at least not be worse than a 'dog'
'as a part of the Japanese empire'
do jews 'naturally' commit suicide if not genitally mutilated as infants as they find out what jews have done, so the mutilation is to 'remove' any part of humanity that would have them judas themselves otherwise?
are there any 'tribe' of non-genitally-mutilated jews or is it always hell for them?
are donkeys the 'jew-horse' (inbred)?
I can see the mental damage of those who are genitally mutilated as infants
it looks like hell