MORE than enough warnings, pleadings, discussions, and grace periods to 'adjust'.
Way more than enough.
But they kept pushing and pushing.
Now, our patience is running out.
Now, Enough is Enough!
MORE than enough warnings, pleadings, discussions, and grace periods to 'adjust'.
Way more than enough.
But they kept pushing and pushing.
Now, our patience is running out.
Now, Enough is Enough!
Jen 'Baphomet' Psaki
"We stand by the position of calling tens of millions of Americans 'domestic terrorists'"
Why does the Democrat Party use Hollywood celebs to 'push' narrative'?
They want the 'sheep' to 'follow the stars'?
Women's sports should not be destroyed.
The entire 'transgender' movement is to destroy women's competition.
Death spiral.
Every 'big company' is under direct threat and litigious intimidation by the satanist's 'transhumanism' narrative to destroy the family unit.
I am not too hard on them.
But yeah, there are cowards too.
>What truth would devastate most anons the most?
The truly evil shit done in the "40% kept private"
Kek, nice try demon.
>"Woman of color"
EVERY woman on the planet has "color".
To be caucasian is NOT to 'lack' a color.
I'm glad I am out of the racist left narrative.
Dividing people on false pretenses.
I know the game.
The 'Old Guard' has intentionally impoverished black people and asian people with different rates of national currency devaluations and different policies.
As a 'gift' in return, the same Leftist satanic cult says to those most adversely impacted: You have "color" while those evil rich people in the west 'lack' a "color".
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Enough is enough!
>The 'Old Guard' has intentionally impoverished black people and asian people with different rates of national currency devaluations and different policies.
>As a 'gift' in return, the same Leftist satanic cult says to those most adversely impacted: You have "color" while those evil rich people in the west 'lack' a "color".
With that 'gift', the narrative tricks those impoverished by the Old Guard, everyone impoverished but some intentionally more so than others, to SEE and USE race as a 'weapon' to foment internal racial strife and conflict.
I see it.
Ontario Superior Court just violated the Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
>“I find [the boy] is receiving mixed messages about the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine and that at 10 years of age he is unable to make an informed choice,” wrote Justice Francine Van Melle
By that same logic if there is 'mixed' narrative than banning speech that supports the vaccines would make the 'narrative' consistent.
Ontario Superior Court is corrupted.
Wasn't Hitler from Austria?
Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.
You are all Patriots.
The hard part is coming to an end.
The next phase will bring JUSTICE.
My guess is they used a U-Boat (first used 1905)
>Trust No One
>Difficult truth
It's self refuting
It's self-refuting
According to blind people.
Top Schumer Aide Deletes Twitter Account after HOMOPHOBIC ATTACKS exposed
There is a spectrum along the moron line.
Rothschilds going mental.
U.S. Federal Reserve opens debate over possible "digital dollar," a central bank digital currency