I've always been against discrimination. But when researching voter fraud, corporate media, Hollywood, think tanks, and the like, a lot of _ people are in charge. I'm not racist, but it does seem some large group of American bad actors are turning out to be . The says the _ in leadership roles are just good at what they do. If the leaders in business, government, and NGO's are committing crimes, they still need to be punished. Hard. Along with any other race, creed, relegion, sexual orientation, ect… But it does beg to question what I've seen posted on the chans over the years. If the American population is a minority in America, why are so many criminal _ in leadership roles? And why are they not getting punished? It does lead to a conspiracy by a group of bad people connected by their affiliation. And the __ just seems like a protection racket for their _____ criminals in arms hiding behind a hate protection group. I don't hate any single group or race of people. I love all shades, people who associate with religious organizations, political affiliations and whatever sex they enjoy (just don't force it on people.) There is only one group that needs to go to prison or be executed. Criminals. No matter what flavor. Their flavor is no "get out of jail" card. Well, depending on if the judge and/or prosecutor is corrupt, but we're working on that.
I'm not saying that the white race is innocent, but since the "white" race is the majority race in America, they are not afforded a voice to speak on their behalf. Which I think is a good thing anyway. No group should have a cheerleader section advocating just for their views. "She or he is being attacked just because she or he is a member of our group until she or he is convicted of raping and killing a child then we avoid like the plague while we move fast onto another topic" as an example. And since they pushed that protection so hard before conviction, it makes one wonder about the protection racket for that group as a whole. I could name names, but we all know the names. So in the coming years, just remember that we are going after individuals of crime and their criminal organisations no matter what group tries to shield them.
And if you don't like what I said here, too bad. The world read it already and can discern for themselves. But shills may espose themselves so they can collect their pay. Shills who come out as pure haters of a whole race or religion ect. are usually paid by the protection rackets to bring sympathy to their group and diminish the research being done by patriots worldwide on this message board.