True dat! Forgot about the Mil/Civ alliance. Anon just hopes that anons get some credit before we pass on. Sooner than later would be helpful but that’s just wishful thinking. Whatever it is, it is.
True dat! Forgot about the Mil/Civ alliance. Anon just hopes that anons get some credit before we pass on. Sooner than later would be helpful but that’s just wishful thinking. Whatever it is, it is.
It’s almost like everything that was planned for the “16 year plan” with Barry/Killary is playing out , as a “movie”, to show The People what they were in for.
Yup! Worst part? For those that we’re paying attention, with what little “Intel” we had, have to relive it. It’s fucked up and pissed a little more at full-normies for having to go through it again
At least she could fit anon’s benis in her mouth, for once… as long as she doesn’t bite it off and eat it
How much do you get paid to post about that witch after you get off your regular job as being her staffer?
>i think it is another dirty trick
That is “anon thinking”. They’ll come out with another variant and kill a bunch of people to make the story/narrative live on. Anon trusts none of them.
Remember the huge Rubbermaid garbage can in the WH window? Anon opines that’s what one uses to catch massive leaks (from the roof). A bucket would not suffice. The leaks were too great
Good thing Bidan, VJ, Barry, and the lot aren’t in control of the Military. Continuity of Govt must have been the argument for keeping them away from the Football, etc
45 eating spaghetti out of his skull was up there on the list
>acid vats
Wonder if Shifty used a heavy duty Rubbermaid garbage can when he allegedly dissolved that body at the Standard Hotel? Wasn’t it alleged they dumped it down the storm drains and the fumes overcame a subway station?