It was way more than just beagles….
She's showing a cake decorated as a lake,
with sharks.
There was skulduggery afoot in Lake Michigan.
That's why she stopped the oil pipeline.
There are tunnels.
Just sauce on her efforts to shut down pipeline.
The rest is a "watch-the-water" speculation.,9309,7-387-90487-569715–,00.html
and the tunnels:
Covid is no longer enough of a distraction from their Reset Plot.
They need a war desperately,
and it's got to at least appear big.
Russia big.
Russia scapegoat big.
Queen is desperate.
[King] Fauxi is desperate.
Billary are desperate.
We are now understanding the importance of ancient arts of survival.
Coddling people makes them permanent children needing Daddy…..
>defecating all over the town, squawking, dive-bombing people outside and scavenging through trash.
"Crows" be shit posting disinfo and propaganda.
Creating FF to keep people distracted.
Digging up dirt on people to set up or force to their will.
That there are a "thousand",
means they have stepped up the pace of their usual activities.
That there are a "thousand" means they are calling on their "thousand points of lights".
Sorry, meant:
They are attempting to get people to think they are giving them power.
It's the usual illusion.