Race to the Dough Winner
We stand at the Ready
Red Wave
White Squall
Time for some Sunlight
>God Bless
Purposely weakening America
Purposely "strengthening" Russia
All for a LARP
What is The Hill's Definition for Women?
Is it a Womb Bearer, With Ovaries, that can Breast Feed?
Or the Other?
There is Nowhere to Hide
No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.
For those that took The Kickbacks
The Money will be followed
For those that Stood for the Good of Humanity & Were Punished
Feels Precipiceish
Go for Trip
Can't take a Joke?
we are at 2min:55sec
you spelt Investigate wrong
Who worked with Russia?
Will Russia Release it all?
Parade the Dead
Did anyone learn Russian?
Indictments Coming
Hold on