To the few;
Are you understanding my crumbs?
"There is GOOD out there, BELIEVE."
'They' are always up there watching, always.
I know that certain things may be difficult to understand, and for most they were never meant to.
There's always someone / something watching over us.
Q told you that 'they' are the highest classification, but consciousness comes second.
Calm the ego and mind and ask a question to the void.
Remove your fear and doubt, ask for a sign.
You don't need any technology, your thoughts alone will suffice.
Knowledge doesn't set you free, it is the heaviest of burdens.. believe this.
How can you reveal a secret that would destroy humanity?
You think the general population is ready for this?
Living with certain knowledge will isolate you forever if you get lost within it, don't stare into the clock for too long.
>Your thoughts are not local.
<Be mindful of your thoughts, for you are having a conversation with the universe…