American Airlines: No Moar Federal Money
> they will get over a very tough period of time that was not caused by them
“not caused by them”
American Airlines flight [38] aborted its planned international trip as it flew above the Atlantic Ocean about an hour-and-a-half after taking off
Woman forces London-bound plane back to Miami after refusing to mask up
The 129 passengers and 14 crew members on the plane were temporarily stranded back in the US
1 ½ after taking off?
1 ½ to get back to Miami
3 hrs wasted just in the air
129 passengers
x 3 hrs
= 387 passenger man hours wasted (not counting time to get back on a flight and in the air).
Add all other associated costs.
To resolve issue of one mask-free passenger that wasn’t succumbing to the lies that have been hoisted on society for the last years.
That type of decision making does not qualify a, “business” for future bail-outs.
No moar looting of tax-payers.
Where are the tax-payer bail-outs, for a, “very tough period of time that was not caused by them”
American Airlines reports $931 million fourth-quarter loss
The losses were significantly higher than their main competitors - United and Delta - in the fourth quarter of 2021 but less than half the $2.2billion the airline lost in the fourth quarter of 2020.
CEO Doug Parker: retires this spring
Robert Isom: will become CEO in March
January 20, 2022
Nation's largest airlines to split massive $25 billion in payroll aid
The nation's six biggest airlines — Delta, American, United, Southwest, Alaska and JetBlue — along with four smaller carriers have reached agreements in principle, and the Treasury Department said talks were continuing with others.
"Our airlines are now in good shape, and they will get over a very tough period of time that was not caused by them," Mr. Trump said.
April 14, 2020