Oh look, it's the latest chapter of "In order to win we must lose."
I understand it just fine. Mr. "Relentless Truth" is just spewing the typical Q horse shit hope porn to cope with the fact that the entire deep state still controls America. Democrats have destroyed the entire country and innocent people are losing their lives. This is far from winning.
Innocent people are being killed because of the Democrat insurrectionists who control the country. None have been arrested. None have been prosecuted. Just look at the UCLA student, Brianna Kupfer. Innocent girl stabbed by a violent nigger who should have been in prison but wasn't thanks to George Soros prosecutors. By the way, what happened to that "special place" for Soros? Last I checked, he's still completely free.
Wars require two belligerents. Only one side is fighting, and it's the side that stole an election and got away with it. Meanwhile, America is collapsing because the violent traitors are completely free. Enjoy year three of COVID.
He was literally at the Bilderberg meeting last summer. Therefore, he's completely free and not in GITMO.