This photo CONFIRMS what we once SUSPECTED…
Underground Tunnels.
This photo CONFIRMS what we once SUSPECTED…
Underground Tunnels.
Well that is how we figured out AJ ten years ago. They play for the other team. Always finding a new distraction to focus on always ignoring the obvious connections and big picture. Once you learn how to sift for yourself you begin to disdain them for their traitorous behavior.
Any who follow the "stars" even e-celebs are basically worthless to us except for their Trump vote. For that I thank them.
But everytime I hear a patriotard open their mouth I cringe. They can be right at times but usually for the wrong (((primary reason))).
Real anon calls Merckel "German Hillary
Jew shill calls Merckel "Hitlerina" and uses (((TV))) jew "documentary" lies as points.
You have to go back to Breitbart.
I hear Japan is unified.
I hear non diverse red states are unified.
I wonder what the common thread might be?