Anonymous ID: bbdacb May 25, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.1543272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3276 >>3465 >>3479


I just love it.

More firewood for me to throw onto the daily pyre of liberal-trolling I do.

I yank their chains until it's obvious their blood pressure is about 500/300.

I do it like it's a sport. The angrier they get, the funnier it is.

There's no upper age limit on trolling, is there?

God help me, it's so much fun.

I keep pic related nearby for inspiration. Awww, dey just so outraged. AAAAAAHAHAHAH

Anonymous ID: bbdacb May 25, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.1543378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3448 >>3454


LOL at this point, it doesn't even matter!

Never took any psych courses for science credits? How about a year of advertising focusing on theory of group behavior?

The "Q" phenomenon horses have bolted and are miles away now. FBI Anon opened the barn door.

Like we're not aware of it? I've known since 2016. Nobody here is a sucker.

The object of the experiment was to encourage "digging" - being more curious and investigative - about politicians and the elite and how they've been operating for decades.

People are still here because they enjoy participating in the experiment, which as far as I can tell has been very successful.

Feds and think tanks have been analyzing group behavior and game theory for a long time. That's fine with me; it'd probably be an interesting job to do.

Shilling here is as pointless as trying to tell runners to stop running marathons because they're tiring and pointless. The runners don't care; they're having a good time.

Baseball is pointless, but it's still a cool game and people like to play it and watch it.

Anonymous ID: bbdacb May 25, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.1543503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3528


Roommate is a professional sports photog, so he knows his shit.

Says these photos are so zoomed that they were likely shot from at least 1/2 mile away.


Judging by the earthmoving equipment and the pile of riprap (trade name for extra large gravel) those are pics of something being filled in.


I'd like to know whether the good guys or Epstein ordered this demolition project, because that's what it is.

"Like it never happened"


If the good guys ordered it, it's because they've got all the photos and evidence they'll ever need.

I'd bring in a boatload of priests and have that place exorcised or purged or blessed or something. Am not even Catholic, but that place is EVIL and it'll never be right again unless they get the evil off of it. God knows how many children/people died there. Nauseating just to look at these.