ouch, no more, sorry.
just doing what i can.
no shill, no bot, we don't have easy access to internet here.
hurricanes didn't just erase that dome.
ouch, no more, sorry.
just doing what i can.
no shill, no bot, we don't have easy access to internet here.
hurricanes didn't just erase that dome.
original post was immediately following the earthquake to DISprove that fire story
earthquake was real
metadata altered because surprise surprise i thought anons would do their digging
if YOU took sensitive pictures of HELL ON EARTH
would YOU alter metadata?
epstein rents out the heavy transport barges used to move cars, trash barges, cranes, etc
look like a mix of a small freighter and a ferry
only 2 left around here after storms, people hate this guy (on top of the obvious reasons)
LATEST pictures day AFTER earthquake (FAKE fire) 4/08/18
earliest pictures go back around new years 5-6 months (guessing)
the way i see it, no laws broken, and regardless
were all screwed anyway if we failed (we won't)
were on the winning side here
so balls to the wall patriots!