Do you know the market price for a fetus?
Correlation of market price & days old of fetus/baby?
As age (days) increases so does the value?
D's block 'born alive' bill?
Planned Parenthood political donations?
What party?
Do you believe this has anything to do w/ a Woman's Right to Choose?
Welcome to the Real World.
Why do D's push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?
Where does the money go?
Past political donations of [PP]?
What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?
What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?
Why is there a new push by D's to legalize late term ABORTIONs?
See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
This has nothing to do w/ a woman's right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).
The focus is on the organization itself.
Ask yourself a very simple question:
Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]- where is the FBI investigation?
Why would [D]s block a bill that stops infanticide [allow ABORTIONs up to point of birth] and does not provide new restrictions on ABORTION itself?
How is taxpayer funded [PP] allowed to donate [large sums] of taxpayer funds to select members of [D] party?
Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE?