weaponized beanz !
probably has more real followers than Bill Kristol and the " Lincoln Project " put together
weaponized beanz !
probably has more real followers than Bill Kristol and the " Lincoln Project " put together
>Is 100 good or bad? There's no real point of reference.
You weren't supposed to notice that
were supposed to be frightened and intimidated, because doomsday is scary and it has a clock
>Where's Baron?
out of picture standing in the corner
he got a "time out" for tweeter shit posting after "bed time"
Rev Blowhard is amateur clownshill
Eye recommend taking that lame bait back to AssBook for better results
> remember months ago when I said
Yeah, we remember all your posts
Fake Zen Master
"engaged Buddhism"
"civil rights activist"
much Yoda
community organizer wearing gay robe
Yeah, wanting access to the camera is totally reasonable
but the call history thing seems suspicious