>Everyone knows the election was stolen
No not everyone knows that because it's not true. The election wasn't stolen, Q told you it's not another 4 year election. There's a reason Biden agrees "let's go Brandon". Enjoy the SHOW.
>Everyone knows the election was stolen
No not everyone knows that because it's not true. The election wasn't stolen, Q told you it's not another 4 year election. There's a reason Biden agrees "let's go Brandon". Enjoy the SHOW.
Anyone who thinks the election was stolen from Trump is a moran who can't see the Truth in front of their face. Enjoy the SHOW!
It is true that Biden didn't win the election, and it's true that it wasn't stolen from Trump.
It's quite the movie.
So you worship the destroyer and wish for destruction of others rather than repentance? Refusing to have patient endurance as He told us but rather wishing to beat your fellow servants because He has stayed away too long for you?
Sucks to be you.
Yeah I wonder why. kek
When Jesus died on the cross, the "veil" between the outer temple and the inner "holy of holies" was torn. He gave all the right to be called a son of God, not just those who claim it's their birthright.
Can you guess what it means to be a "man of the cloth"? They uphold the veil.
kek so blind.
Did you forget the witnesses have the power to strike the earth with every plague?
The fun part is coming.
I didn't put words in your mouth, you want to destroy, and I'm not a liberal.
Why did Jesus ask them why they call Him good, and then say only God is Good? When you include the evil you want to destroy, do you include yourself? Or do you want to be saved but you want others destroyed, even though you should love them as yourself and have patient endurance?
Read the bible, Aaron (Aryan) made a golden calf (cash cow) and said here are your gods Israel who brought you up out of Egypt.
Like Q said, what was the real purpose of the war?