You forgot to add that the 2nd nighest owners of slaves were freed niggers.
All that proves is that the jews OWN the USA, VIA the JEWISH FEDERAL RESERVE.
Keep exposing the jewish hand that RUNS the USA. The JEW-LOVING BOOMERS REALLY NEED TO SEE IT.
It is a bit out of date, butโฆ
You just don't walk into ZOG CENTRAL, and go after the jews in one fell swoop. One has to use tactics.
Proving, once again, that the jews force the GOYIM to die for them.
Ooh. Staged jew photos!
Such proof.
Let's see how you feel when the Pogroms start.
Gen X, Y, and Z, either hate jews, or could care less about you jews.
The number if deaths by (((Doctors))) is over 200,000. And that is not malpractice, better known as JEWISH MEDICINE.
Not if the jews have anything to say about it.
That is why they created the Patent office. They can suppress all advancements, and they have.
>And fucking stop blaming boomers for everything.
>Your asshole generations are just as bad and have created things in the future that no one will fucking like.
Because you fucking boomers forced us to be educated by jews, and forced us to go to school with NIGGERS.
What did you expect would happen?
>Like you blaming other people for your shit and the future consequences you made
It is called pinning the fucking tail on the BOOMER DONKEY.
Sorry if you don't like it, but we are the monsters that your generation created.
See, what, CUNT?
That you are a stupid boomer nigger?
Yeah. I see it.
What of it?
Try speaking like a White person, and less like a nigger.
Boomers dindu nuffin'. They innicence!
>I will deal with, only iv you deal with your destruction of society in the future.
Did you even English?
Niggers are moar articulate.
We live in CLOWN WORLD!
You fuckers had it all, and then you fucked up.
It is an historical fact.DEAL WITH IT, STUPID BOOMER!
With a little work, that could become some seriously good Death Metal lyrics.
Keep at it. 7/10.
Holy fuck. You have brain damage. Sorry for making fun of you. I had no idea. 1,000 apologies, boomer fren.
>be nice.
I am always nice. The truth is mean. I speak it.
Gotta take the dogs out. I will bbs.
That is your OPINION, which means nothing to me. Sorry.
>Sure right
Thanks for agreeing. I am always right.
>Your side has done a myriad of less than intelligent things, during this war.
>In time, when people look back at your use of the term, โboomerโ, with confidence, it could be stated that they will have a difficult time comprehending how your methods had become so weak.
>The red text SHOUTINGโฆ
I do. They are the enemies of Mankind, also known as the FUCKING JEWS.
Yes, anon. I forgive you for being aDUMB ASS MORAN that TALKS OUT OF YOUR ASS.
The road to Auschwitz is paved with good intentions.
I was just being honest. I will ignore you from here on out if that makes your little mutilated boomer dick hard.
LMAO. I am going to save that!
>I was telling you to forgive stupid, forgive and let go of your rage.
My rage against the machine is all I have left.
Try it sometime. You might find your balls, again.
The jews were homesteading. Putin will have none of it. He knows that if the jews make Ukraine the new "Israel," Russia is done. No wonder the jew media is pushing it.
I say we send the JEW-LOVING BOOMERS to fight. After all, they love their fucking jews so much, why not?
GMO's, Poisons added to the water supply, chemtrails, toxins added to building supplies, paint, etc., along with Conquest Architecture to demoralize us. Yes. The JEW-LOVING BOOMERS, and their jews have been doing everything they can to KILL US ALL.
Pence is a faggot pedo. That has been shown time and time again.
His wife knows, and is in on it.
He needs the rope.
The list is almost endless, anon. We could set up an entire board, and I think that 8kun would run our of disk space.
You are very naive.
WOW, Pence does something I agree with, in spite of the fact that he is a FAGGOT PEDO, so I will look the other way, in spite of the fact he could have put Trump in office.
That is some BOOMER-TIER THINKING you got there, anon.
Kek. Sometimes I think that an asteroid would be God showing mercy upon us.
I agree. And it would be great if the overall 8kun rules were upheld. However, they are not.
Thou speaketh with a forked tongue.
8kun has rules. When you captcha the basic rules are listed. Research it for yourself.
You are a good parent. KUDOS!
Get ready to swallow my load.
Then, by all means, get ready to suck and swallow.