Got to say anons, I’m enjoying the board for the first time in a couple weeks. Smart and snippy statements
And a shout out to the Anon that answered, when I said I was sneezing a lot lately
You assholes really crack me up
Got to say anons, I’m enjoying the board for the first time in a couple weeks. Smart and snippy statements
And a shout out to the Anon that answered, when I said I was sneezing a lot lately
You assholes really crack me up
Well Me, you gave me a hearty kek…TY I needed it
Mental challenges when I’ve had gin and tonic, tells me how brilliant I am
Yeah finally
The snow owl Is suspicious because his mate has been unusually cold towards him
Oops here it is
I really love this man, no homo here
That was sad and amazing at the same time
That article was not the exposure. I dug up more dirt on URI in an hour than that letter exposed
It is awesome
Thats seriously gotta be comms 4 monkeys, one caught
Oh the message is to the guys on the run from DS
Hear No evil
See No Evil
Speak no evil
And your fourth buddy was killed
Jason is pissed at Trump because he wouldnt go into business with him.There’s a reason why Trump wouldnt do it
You know, “saving for last”
Sauce it first, seriously no one will repeat anything you say without it
G, boomers were coerced into loving them, we were catholic, i’m a boomer and we knew few jewish people, and knew nothing about their religion, and enjoyed a lot of jewish jokes. We didnt have some kind of adoration for them, we barely knew them.
People had to coerced because there wasnt a great love for them in 50s to the-end if 70s
And fucking stop blaming boomers for everything.
Your asshole generations are just as bad and have created things in the future that no one will fucking like.
Like you blaming other people for your shit and the future consequences you made
I know there’s a dual meaning to boomers, but its really just an excuse
Oh hey anon, evelyn Farcas says we should gp to war on Russia, so they can blame it on Trump!Who’s on board with this great idea
Youre retarded the whole boomer generation didnt fo it, you must have rich parents
I will deal with, only iv you deal with your destruction of society in the future.
Good luck with that asshole
Didnt say that but you can pretend an entire generation did this, it was the rich kids evil parents. They happen in every generation
Me too, they are trying to have a war, because they have a narrative for Trump being to blame.
The funny thing is they dont realize Trump and Putin still talk
Nor historical when your history of danage is not written. How stupid can you be.
Blame yourselves, you were probably incarnated at that time and participated
Anon use your own discrimination, do not follow or allow people to tell you what is true!
If youre a bot of shill, then fuck off
And you have limited intelligence, the computer should havd trained and educated you better. But alas it didnt
Interesting. Please say more
Ok I’ve admitting I’m not a boomer, because you had to learn the lesson
Of hatred you harbor in your heart for your parents and for their social circle.
Sorry its so painful for you, but I’m sure you’ll embrace the pain and move through it.
God Bless and Forgive
Amen and true that
Apparently by your vociferous answers, my opinions mean a lot to you, otherwise you’d ignore them
The thought kinda unnerves me but I’m getting closer and closer to seeing it with my third eye
Yes it was
I was telling you to forgive stupid, forgive and let go of your rage.
But you wont because you love the feeling of being superior when internally you feel inferior
God thats heart warming. He gave ne hope for life in this planet, and made me freakin laugh all the time. Seriously I didnt get why people didn’t understand his sense of humor. Hes a profound and courageous man.
God protect snd bless him always
And true this is war, it feels like it everyday and has intensified greatly in the last 6 months
Thats true, theyve got a plan, but he does too
That guy posts that hates flynn has gotten more subtle instead of calling him an out aa a satanist. Flynn went to college and went in the military immediately forever, doubtful flynn followed a new age religion at all
Biden is drainig again the federal suplply that Trump built up. What an asshole when no one needs them. Watch the schools that are paid to mask children suck them all up.
Any parent allowing their children to
Stay im these schools have to make a decision to leave them forever
And definitely not Satanists. Researched their religion. Basically they believed all godly religions lead to the same God. And they prayed against satan and evil daily. So rays of colors does not make satan, it makes the spectrum of colors. And they all had different attributes of God.
At least thats my understanding
It makes me cry all the time, thinking if the pain of children with masks on their face
Anons were reporting many parents in s community got together and dufferent parentd taught differrnt subjects