The world's LARGEST human rights march just happened, and it was PRO LIFE
Tomorrow 180 cities worldwide will protest vaccine mandates including Washington DC(the largest coordinated, organized in the world).
CDC did admit later on that natural immunity is 6 times stronger against delta variant than the Pfizer vaccine.
I am not sure if this is what Flynn meant (assuming he really did say that, I've yet to see absolute proof that he really did say that), but to me that admission exposes massive corruption,
Checked u back!
You're probably right.
Could be the last one.
I'll post new one if/when I find it.
That narrative is itself corrupt.
Neither Secretaries of State nor Governors had the legal authority to change the rules that resulted in fraudulent claims to legitimacy of the bogus DEMOCRAT electors.
Republican electors had the legal legitimacy to send electors.
Jan 6 'unselect committee' purpose is to spew false narratives to salvage the D's sedition and treason.
Warroom, but no link yet :(
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>-RRN now being accepted
False, it gets BTFO every time shills try to push the false narrative that Q is illegally leaking intel to a private website.
As justification of the false narrative, the shills post Q drops that include 'proof' strings like 'raw'.
By doing that they are claiming the intel being leaked is in fact Q clearance level, and the shills keep pushing that false narrative HERE on QR.
Anons are doing the math.
>Who's saying Q is leaking anything
I see you're being deliberately obtuse because you can't win.
THE SHILLS pushing RRN stories as true because 'muH Q DrOpS iNcLuDe tHe wOrD 'rAw', are the ones pushing that narrative.
QAGG: I archived every Q drop as of the last drop, I see no inconsistencies. That chatter a few days ago about the long file names of the flag being updated or changed, shills are pouncing on that to attack the site.
Anons know your game.
Go home ShareBlue, you're drunk.
>when this anon tries to bring it up in the search and it doesn't appear
Don't just say it, show it.
Donald Trump won the 2020 election. It was stolen. Republicans who refuse to say this won't really fight to secure elections going forward.
What happens when Biden's illegitimacy goes 'mainstream', and statements like these can be said without any war happening?
Talk is action.
When previous deceptive 'talk' is the cause of intellectual and spiritual division, which then foments physical division, it will be TRUE talk that undos it.
This is why 'they' do everything they can to censor and cancel and silence.
The ultimate war is INFORMATIONAL, anon.
Those controlling the Israeli state did yes.
Yet one person's actions or one subset's actions do not necessarily 'represent' the whole.
Obama really fucked a lot of people. But would it be correct to therefore view the American people as enemies of humanity?
It's not controversial to say there exists criminals and communists and agitators who are Jews.
What is a fallacious argument is to say that what is true of a part of a whole, must necessarily be true of the whole.
Google 'fallacy of composition'.
There are criminals EVERYWHERE claiming to be of EVERY race, religion, sex, class and political affiliation.
Israel is being saved for last because the worst criminals just so happen to be using the Israeli people as spiritual hostages, and many just so happen to pretend to be jews.
Those who seek to divide and destroy, those who deceive for personal gain, those who reject the fact that we are ALL from the same one source, call it God call it whatever you want, they are neither Christians nor Muslims nor Jews.
Those who call themselves 'Christians' like Obama, do NOT 'represent' all Christians.
The Jews who helped bring communism to China, do not 'represent' all Jews.
Clear as mud?
It's just basic logic that rejects Marxist collectivist guilt by association fallacy.
The more you attack jews as such, or any other religion or race or whatever, the more you're pushing the assumptions of a Jew communist.
How's that for irony?
No escape.